Hellooo guyssss, hwruuuuu? 😝Here are the "story times" i promised you pooksssssSo first abt 🍐 :For sm time he did ignore me and i was like: EXCUZE MOI! YOU CANT JUST SMILE AT ME EVERYDAY AND THEN JUST STOP A RANDOM DAY!!!But yesterday he smiled at me againnnn 🥳 🥳Like he does that in a cute way:He raises his eyebrows and then smiles like iykyk 🤭 🤭 🤭 🤭AND I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE ITTTT 💕 💕 💕But Lets get to the good part ✨ ✨✨ 🥥 ✨ 💕 :He was sick a day so i asked our friends who are in his class: where is 🥥 ?1.And 🫐 said that he is sick and THEN 🥝 gave me the "i know whats going on" look like yk? Andobviously I had to ignore that CUZ NONE OF THEM HAS TO KNOWWWWWWW2. 🥥 and I had a lil argument 😔 :So we take the same bus but there are two of them and i am the one texting him when the one i amin arrives at his stopBut today i texted: bus comes in a minuteAnd SECONDS LATER i texted: NOWBut he didnt read that and got the bus WHERE I WAS NOT INLIKE WHEN YOU TEXT ME THEN WAIT FOR THE FLIPPING ANSWER AND DONT PUT YOURPHONE BACK IN YOUR POCKET!!!i texted him the same thing 👆At least i waited for him to walk to class and everything is okay now 😁 😁 😁 😁3. 🥥 ,🫐 and 🥝 have latin and 🥥 and🫐 learn their vocab in the bus on the way home. So today🥥 was learning the vocab on his phone and he took a lil test and everytime i try to guess the rightanswer (i have french 🇫🇷 🥖 )And this time he put his hand up so i leaned over to see what the vocab on the phone was and HESMELLED SOOOOOO GOOODD AHHHHH 💕 💕 💕 💕 💕 💕 💕Also when he left i put on sm music on my headphones and when the drop hit i had to look at himlike up and then followed his eyes (idk how to describe that but yk? 🤌 ) and OMGGGGGG I FELL INLOVE AGAIN AND AGAIN ❤ ❤ ❤but thats it guyssA little bit more than usually but yeah 😝Love yall~elaine ✨ 💕 🫶