Christmas story comment if you like
Dear Santa,
Hi it’s me- the grinch. I know that I have ruined Christmas for a lot of people in Whoville but I put it all back. I
have a perfect explanation for all the chaos that I’ve caused. Once you hear what I have been through you
might just take me off the naughty list.
When I was little I was in a faster home and had no parents to take care of me, just some random old
person. Every Christmas Eve I would ask to put out cookies for Santa and they said no and on Christmas
morning there were no presents, no tree, nothing was there and now one was there. I was left alone on
Christmas so that Christmas I found a basket and a blanket and tied them together and let myself flot onto
someone’s doorstep to get my own family. So I got a new family but when I went to school the kids laughed at
me but one person so I got her a Christmas present but someone threw it across the room and broke it everyone
laughed and they all told me that no one could ever love me and that’s why I hate Christmas. I tried to Ruin
Christmas without taking everything from the people in Whoville but no one wanted to listen. They all were
scared of me just because I eat glass and because I was green. No one loved me so I decided on Christmas that
I would take it away from everybody. but on Christmas morning i figured out how much everyone loved
Christmas. I decided to put it back and I decided to say sorry to Whoville. I felt so bad but seeing everybody
together on Christmas even with no presents filled me with Christmas cheer it made my heart grow three times
as big.
So I get if you don’t take me off the Christmas list but at least consider it. Because I’ve been through a lot
and you know what I’ve been through I just didn’t know how much Christmas meant to people and I didn’t
know how much my situation hurt me. I get her others too so please consider putting me back on the nice list. I
promise I could do better.
the grinch