Basic info—>Name: SkrinAge: 4 owl yearsSpecies: Snowy OwlSexuality:???Gender: Seen as malePronouns: AnyLikes: Cool temperatureDislikes: Others InformalityOccupation: Guard the Sacred StoneSkills—>Stealth:Strength:Combat:Flying:Formality:Technique:Personality:—>Skrin is a formal owl. He is devoted to guarding the Sacred Stone of theOwl Kingdom. He proudly wears it upon his fluffy warm neck. The rosequarts that the Sacred Stone is, is very rare in the Owl Kingdom. It isbelieved to keep the owls in harmony, and for love to prosper throughoutthe Kingdom. Skrin is the sworn protector of this stone. Although he’s onewith the Sacred Stone, he never will let it become his whole being. Hevows to still be an individual with personal goals. Protecting the SacredStone is simply a hobby to him.skrin