Chapter 8
What felt like a month passed, and Newt had started feeling paranoid like he did in the tunnels. It
wasn’t much help when Alex started singing and randomly talking to himself. The two had gotten
food from the square twice Newt had found earlier, but it moved so fast the boys couldn’t escape.
“Marry had a little lamb, chick chick bam, no more lamb. Marry had some lamb chops and they
were really good!” Alex sang to himself.
Newt fell back on the oor.
Newt liked Alex and all, but he had been singing the at song for the past three hours! Newt moved
to the wall and started banging his head on it.
Then silence. The boys sat in the room. Still nobody had passed by, but Newt noticed the gas
seemed to still be there. Worry still crossed Newt, like if Alex would be aected by it.
“Your the kid aren’t you? That was trapped underground.”
Newt looked at Alex and nodded. Alex nodded back. “And Jamie too?” Once again Newt nodded.
Alex sat up.
“Did you um… meet people underneath there?”
This fought Newt by shock. “Yes.” He said softly. Alex got some tears in his eyes.
“Were they twins?” Alex asked softly. Once again Newt was shocked.
“Um… yes.” He said softly back.
Alex bit his lip, and sat back. Newt watched Alex. “We’re their names… Brain and Hunter?” Alex
asked with a quiver in his voice. Newt hung his head remembering Brian. Alex looked at Newt. Newt
This lasted for a long time.
“I won’t ask what happened… but um… their my… brothers.” Alex said softly.
Newt nodded. It didn’t surprise him. The Twins and Alex shared many features other than height.
Alex was denitely shorter. “I… I-I knew. I c-c-could tell.” Newt said softly.
“So, you know how to y this?” Thomas asked Jacob as they walked up to a small helicopter.
“Oh yeah. I started in the air force so it’s like a home. Then I went to army, then navy, marines, then I
was a S.E.A.L… then I was a…” Jacob looked at Thomas’s shocked face. He burst out laughing.
“You could have killed me all this time.” Thomas said softly.
“In many dierent ways. More that one way to skin a bear right?”
Thomas still stared wide eyed at Jacob. The two sat down in the helicopter and didn’t notice
someone sneak to the back.
“So where’s my son?”
“Afghanistan. I learned 45 dierent languages and what Jamie told me she heard them say meant,
‘It’s the boy’.”
Thomas bit his lip. “So you saying the Talaban took him?”
“Possibly.” Jacob said turning the helicopter on.
Jamie, who had snuck in hid behind a large crate. Her dad had taught her how to cover her own
trail, so that’s what she did. She pulled her phone out and went to her photos. She looked at one of
her and Newt. In it, they were both in her room, and he didn’t have makeup on, or glasses. It was
just his usual pants and long sleeved shirt. Newt had refused to where a T-Shirt and shirts since the
Jamie smiled to herself. She knew when, or if she found Newt she would give him a piece of her
mind. A punch across the face would work, as she was mad at him for going missing again. But hey,
she was Jamie Jones, and nothing could stop her.