His name was Snell,I found him under a well.I asked Snell how did you get under a well.Snell said ‘well, as you can tell I fell’Oh dear,Snell why did you fall in a well?Could you not Smell the well,Before you fell Snell?‘In my ears was gel.’Exclaimed Snell.Snell,Tell me.Why did you fall in the well?‘I thought I heard; a bell.’‘But actually I was under a spell…’Snell! Snell! I’ll get michelle!Michelle came running.Oh, she was gunning.But then she fell in the well.Parts 2Rob Snell and Michelle,Sitting in a well.How swell.Singing a song about being well.In a well.But I would not crack,I would not go back,So I got my pickaxe and I hacked.But I would not slack.(Until my pickaxe broke and I had to get a new one from Asda.)To my horror I heard a cackle of rejoice,And I heard a howling voice,‘Michelle is giving me a whack!’Snell you silly sausage.Be the lawyer you were born to be,At Lane IP.‘But I need to pee.’Said the disgruntled Snell,Who was still stuck in a well,With Michelle.Snell the poem Part of the 3Her name was Ms Dean.She liked to wear jeans,While she balanced on a beam.I found her talking to the queen,In a stream.I asked Dean could you help Snell.She said ‘well…Snell is in a well,And I am in a stream with the queen.I shall intervene.’Off we went in a submarine,To meet Papa Eugene,On a trampoline.Unfortunately,It was Halloween.So Dean could not be seen,On the submarine.Eventually,The machine,Got us in-between,Snell in the well.Who in his ears had gel.With Michelle,Giving Snell a whack,Because I had not got back.But I had Papa Eugene,Who had just dined on a cuisine,Of caffeine.Who gave Snell such a routine whack,That his back gave such a loud crack,That the well collapsed.So Snell was out,To be the lawyer he was born to be.At Lane IP.PART 4 OH YEAHMichelle and Snell,And Papa Eugene with Dean.Got the Queen,To clean the whipped cream.But the Queen had foreseen,That the cream was really a sardine.‘Dear Queen.’Said Pauline. ‘This cream that you have been asked to clean is actually gelatine.’‘Oh golly gosh I must tell Ms Dean.’Explained the Queen.But Ms Dean,Was in her submarine.Because Snell,Had got himself stuck in hell.This happened because Snell chased a gazelle,Down another well,Which when he fell,Went straight down to hell.So Snell was in Hell because he chased a gazelle down a well.Which meant that Ms Dean got Papa Eugene in that submarine,With his trampoline,To go to Hell,Where Snell fell.Oh my days its part 5Unfortunately,The Queen was determined to tell Ms dean,About the whipped cream,Which was actually gelatine.So,She rounded up her fourteen corgis,And got in lighting McQueen,To find Ms Dean in her submarine.With Papa Eugene,On a trampoline.Who was trying to find snell,Which he was in hell,After he fell down yet another well.Because he chased a gazelle.But this is the end,My freind.As the Queen becan to comprehend,That she was dead.In bed,After she had read,That she had been condemned,To ascend,To offend,And to attend,My poetry readings.El finSooooosh