What’s that? You’re tooscared to make an OCbecause you’re afraid it’llturn out to be toooverpowered?Well, fear not! Let meintroduce you to a good oldfriend of mine…Limits are really helpful in not getting yourOC landed in a cringe post or subredditcalled r/fandomcringe. Limits keep your OCfrom being too overpowered, especially OCslike hybrid species or a species that isgenerally very powerful in the show/game/book, or whatever the media is.Let me give you examples with some of mypersonal OCs.This is Icefire. He is myWoF OC. He is a hybridbetween a sky wing and anice wing!Now, because he is a hybrid, most of you willassume he is extremely powerful. But this isuntrue! The first step of giving limits toyour OCs is THINKING REALISTICALLY.Hybrid animals actually have lots ofphysical issues that LIMIT their abilitiesand their bodies.Icefire cannot spit ice because his bodytemps are too warm. However, his body isnot warm enough to be able to spit fire. Themix in scale types does make a nice pattern,but it also creates some sort of disease thatcauses his scales to ooze pus and fall out ifnot treated with an hour long mud batheach day.But just because he has deformities doesn’t meanhe can’t also have cool powers! The next step tomaking a cool, yet limited OC is giving themADVANTAGES. You shouldn’t limit an OC somuch that they aren’t cool at all! Forexample, while Icefire has lots ofdisabilities, he has also developedextremely deadly poison, sharp claws andspikes, and large wings!Another example would be Atom, my MLP OC!I have recently posted a note regarding all of hislore, so check that out when you can! Anyways, the
final step to limiting your OCs is CHALLENGES.For example, Atom wants to be part of ponyvilleand enjoy a happy life. But because he cannotchange, he is LIMITED by that. That is a challengefor him. Challenges are not just good for OC lore,they are the backbone of every single story outthere. A story or character without challenges isextremely boring and gives off “cringe OP OC” vibes. I hope this helped! I will be posting a lot more parts after this, so sit back and wait for more OC guides!