The amount of lore that I have from just the half of this school year alone is crazy. first of all yay I’min hs now !! so I made new friends and stuff and have had fun w my current friends as well and it’sall yayayaanyways the crazy part is that the people who I know irl who also were users on here (only oneperson I’m talking abt, not both of them) I stopped being friends with but for very “oh” reasons(which is kinda ironic since they ended up saying “oh” whenever I said smth weird/cringy thoughonline here theyd lowk act cringy and weird too so okay then I guess?) (idk they just ended up beingvery fake and said weird things about people w special needs, glorified s/a and supposedlypretended to be part of lgbtq just to say a CERTAIN word, not to mention they did very …uhhh stuffonline, not to mention just was not a good friend and would talk massively abt people, even thosewe weren’t friends with/knew well or had relations to, would also talk abt our own friends)(this is also a person I’ve mentioned a good amount of times on this acc, I’m not gonna outrightpoint fingers just to keep a bit of anon but err yeah drama ig) I’m still friendly w the other ex-userand they’re really cool and chill (I love their art and they’re so creative but I don’t talk to them muchanymore)I’ve also been trying to post more on here yet ig you need a subscription for unlimited access andto write/draw freely (only a certain amount of strokes a week) so again this kinda prevents me fromdrawing more on here, though I’ll try my best to make small sketches or see if I CAN buy thesubscription (though I’m not sure since idk how active I’ll be on here)I’m also active on:tiktok —> @.mysteriousmoon (though it is supposed to be getting banned)instagram —> @_mysteri0usmoonpinterest —> @mysteri0usmoonidk but here’s my little irl update! I hope all of you guys are doing good 🫶 🫶-love from bulldzer