okie so my friend is a therian/furry and wears tails to school. Theres this group of girls in our choir
class who are preppy (obviously) and make fun of him and his pronouns. Today though, was different.
They decided to make a try not to cringe circle around my friend. And what they did the whole time
was make fun of therians and trying to get him to do/say cringe things. After a while, I got really
angry and decided to go over and whisper in his ear, Theyre making fun of you, you know. Do you
wanna ditch them? Theyre so rude. And he said, I know theyre making fun of me, I dont care. But
yeah. I wanna go. So we scooted over where my gf and her friends were sitting and sure enough, the
preppies said, oh. What? Come back! Oh- whatever. I think were done. And left into their little gossip
circle to talk about us and occasionally point and laugh. There were some girls I talked to that were nice
and didnt even notice that their friends were being mean. One person apologized many times to me.
But then- I found out that in one of the classes my gf has with them, they said, If SHE (EW) shows up
to the choir concert in a tail, Im gonna rip it off, then push HER off the stage. Like EW WHAT