She wakes up her window wide open unlike how she left it the nightbefore, she closes the window and questions if she just forgot to or ifsomeone was in her room last night. She puts on her converse andgrabs her now fully charged headphones she walkes into the kitchenand sees her moms silhouette in the sunlight shining through thewindow. She squints her eyes to see and once they adjust she says“good morning mom. Where’s dad?” Her mom turned ar slightlyannoyed “probably out with his ‘girlfriend’” her mom says becausethey were fighting the night befor over dad cheating he always says“she is just a distant cousin” when my mom first seen her name inmy dads phone as her mom continued yelling at Sonya as if she wasdad she slips out the doorShe continues to walk down to the tree, she notices Delilah waitingthere, same spot from before. Delilah smiled from ear to ear andwaved at Sonya “hi! Good morning!” She cheerfully called out “wowyou really are a morning person, how do you have so matchenergy?” Sonya said in a sleepy voiceDelilah giggled, her dark eyes glinting with a mesmerizing daze. “Ijust love the mornings! It’s when the forest feels the most alive, likeeverything is waking up with the sun,” she said,. She twirled in herdress, the fabric twirling around her like mist, and for a moment,Sonya felt an odd chill despite the warmth of the sun, as if somthingwas watching them. “How about you? Don’t you enjoy the fresh airand the sound of the birds?” Delilah questioned Sonya shrugged, still a bit sleepy. “I guess, but I’m more of a nightperson. The quiet at night helps me think.” Delilah’s voice droppingto a whisper as if sharing a secret. “The night has its magic too. Youknow, some things reveal themselves only in the shadows.” Thewords hung in the air, sending a shiver down Sonya's spine. "It’slike... a new beginning, or maybe an ending. A chance to embracewhat’s hidden.”As she pulls herself up onto the platform beside Delilah, the warmthof the rising sun brushed against her skin, but the strange feelingsomething was watching did not fade, as though secrets werelurking just beneath the she reached the top she noticedseveral more carvings in the side of the tree, most of animalskeletons but one at the top, it was a portrait , Sonya’s face, it wasbeautiful, it looked just like her she studied Delilah’s art for a fewmoments forgetting about the conversation.Delilah leaned closer, a playful glint in her dark eyes. “Night can bepeaceful, but mornings have their own charm, don’t you think? Itfeels like the forest is waking up, and everything is fresh and new,”she said with a bright smile. Sonya considered her words, the usualweight of her reality momentarily lifted. “I guess you’re right,” shereplied, feeling the warmth of the sun beginning to chase away themorning chill. “But there’s something about the quiet at night thathelps me think and unwind.” Delilah nodded enthusiastically. “Definitely! It’s nice to have thosecalm moments. How about we make plans for both mornings andevenings? We could have adventures at dawn and chill under thestars at dusk!” The idea filled Sonya with a sense of excitement,and she found herself smiling back at Delilah. For the first time in awhile, she felt a flicker of happiness in the midst of her chaotic life,and the thought of having a friend to share these moments with feltlike a breath of fresh air.Somya was excited with the idea of getting to spend more timewith Delilah, but with school rapidly approaching it quickly becameobvious that Sonya would have to balance school, home life andDelilah, although it would be nice to spend more time away fromhome.The next morning she for ready like usual but she groaned whenshe realized today was the first day back from their fall break, sherushed down the stairs and ate her breakfast her mom had bakedfor her