Whoever loves the KotLC books, sign up below!!! (Keeper of the LostCities). This is a remix of the old club.Whoever signs up will be tagged in "meetings", basically just placeswhere we can talk about the books and our favorite parts. :)We might also hold challenges like pop quizzes or contests fordrawing.Vice President will be chosen in a vote and will help me with thechallenges or deciding what to talk about.Deadline: September 30th*Requirement, have to have read up to Nightfall or above.Sign up sheet down below!!!!(Next page) Book you're on (or if u finished all the books): Finished!Favorite character: Dex, Marella and JensiFavorite part: Amy remembering Sophie (the first 5-10 chapters ofNightfall)Favorite book: NightfallWhich side u wanna be on (Black Swan or Neverseen [maybe theCouncil too]): Black SwanAbility u most want: Guster (don’t ask why)Username: @walnut_comicsMe: @starfall12345