greekphilosophy comes from the word philosopiawhichmeans the love of knowing e wisdomnew way of trying to make sense in the worldIt started in Greece oPhilosophyby ssonwhat is philosophy my definationi ecombining of A component naive theory epistemologyphilosophy is an academic'atiinelitatture etcthemetaphysicswe examine our confusion 1091about topics bike science historywe as humans utalise 3 massive weapons to navigate theworld around us they're all build in inside us asa result we humans are the most soposticated animaeven lived on earth next time someone complainsabout the world being unfair remind them of theseamazing tools that every humans has others animalsdon't have all of themSo what are they 7instincts emotions ReasonIT Afood sex onyapestaicI science philosopstory joy psychologysertival belonggingnessfear sociologyBoredom Ego RationalityIour rationality is so powerful it can influence ourinstincts emotions like the marshmello testas we are evolving as a species our rationity isbecoming more more strongerNow philosophy is rational thinking philosopher arerational thinkerreligioushumans have devoleped afterlife that they could esape Deathas philosophers was asking question answering they thisway they have give birth to so many other deciplineslike 1 physics Biology chemistry psychologyfolktales tales havebeen told so many times that theybecome a pagelsepistemology study of knoulage it comes formthe'iÉdepistemic it's kind of skepticism questionyour belief belief v5 know logemetaphysics whetentwestia theMatte iffeality onlike what kind of being am IDo I have a soulIs there any soul that will servive after Idievaluetheof 97 is divided into 2 partsethics 7 How human should live witheachother How should I live How should I liveHow u g treat animalaesthetics 7 study of beauty artwhat beauty is or whether itexsistEe ReasoningBut if you truly boiles down philosophers talked aboutPhysical world the origin of life human mindwhat is the world how does it worka a n mind k i I Ya a mind a n n uas philosophers was asking question answering they thisway they have give birth to so many other deciplineslike I physics Biology chemistry psychologytoday they are some out of subject cause they haveless idea about science other deciplines which havearrived Philosophy in general ask 22vestionwhat is How we know it now newphilosophyintution is the new philosophyontology epistemologyaccording to Emmunal Kunt we will never be ableto understand reality as it goes through humanmindfempritisumismybritishbutnationalisinsisIeuropeanthe difference between Eastern western philosophyEastern philosopher wants to change themselveswhile western in u i m the world with r the dashkilling evil following go'od of fatelike eastern is more about acceptencend westernis all about changeWestern philosophy comes from babylon Rome Egyptthere is very few written records about thateastern philosophy has it's root in Indian civilzation chines civilizationeastern western both philosophy potrayes theirgeographical influence over themDue to the geographical location of Rome BabyloyGeurope they were able to discover sciencesame happen with india china theirrivers agriculture phenomenon force them tobe localist estern philosophytoday example sadhgunusave soilGreece geographical terrain allowed trade toflourish between various people this had to do withtheir seared food resources they had to roomaround for eating while indian chines werewaiting their nievens to give them enopIn greece marchents were the most impotentwhile In India farmers n u n uin so itydue to this weastern philosophy is openwinddeeddeastern is conservative spritualif marchent don't like something they chargeInt if farmer in n uthey had towait for next season natureN r ib h l Now from this origin both philosophy has found theirway what they're doing today is the productof thatlike if you go to Europe they have buildcharch Universite Olimpic games sciencepsychology etc cause they had to do itfor their Servivallikewise eastern philosophy Budha Hinduismhas created meditation discovering yourself etcNOWEinstein Tagore's philosophymake sense as per their owneature Einstein talks about externalworld while tagore talks aboutinternalIn western philosophy questioning your teacherwas a ritual while eastern it's a form ofdisrespectWestern philosophy has good evil concepton their philosophy cause they had to fightfor thier serviral therefore in order to motivatethin solider they had to introduce it this allowsprogress its more of a phychology rather amorality BothWe as human have good Bad our job is toUnderstand this act accordinglythe biggest clashes are western believes in progreeastern believe in acceptencethus their way of life is make life easier byunderstanding science make it more efficientphilosophized eat3 western philosophyStSocrates he is the pieneoor ofrational thinkinguncomfortabletruthbefore him there weremany philosopher like pythagonus ete but he had madeit into history due to hissacrifice for truthHe set's the base for modern scienceIdinsthimitganesonnonesknowlage a one evil8Plateas He was Socrates's student hecontinues on Socrates's idea oftruthHis famous thought experimentallogmgofaniceave_ills.t ratesthat if you are away from thelight source see your ownshadow inside a cave that's how427 347139we pereive realitynotwhatitis