Philosophy 101 part 1
philosophy comes from the word philosopiawhich
means the love of knowing e wisdom
new way of trying to make sense in the world
It started in Greece o
what is philosophy my defination
i e
combining of A component naive theory epistemology
philosophy is an academic'atiine
litatture etc
metaphysicswe examine our confusion 1091about topics bike science history
we as humans utalise 3 massive weapons to navigate the
world around us they're all build in inside us as
a result we humans are the most soposticated anima
even lived on earth next time someone complains
about the world being unfair remind them of these
amazing tools that every humans has others animals
don't have all of them
So what are they
instincts emotions Reason
food sex on
I science philosop
story joy psychology
sertival belonggingness
fear sociologyBoredom Ego Rationality
our rationality is so powerful it can influence our
instincts emotions like the marshmello test
as we are evolving as a species our rationity is
becoming more more stronger
Now philosophy is rational thinking philosopher are
rational thinker
humans have devoleped afterlife that they could esape Death
as philosophers was asking question answering they this
way they have give birth to so many other deciplines
like 1 physics Biology chemistry psychology
folktales tales havebeen told so many times that theybecome a pagels
epistemology study of knoulage it comes formthe'iÉd
epistemic it's kind of skepticism question
your belief belief v5 know loge
metaphysics whetentwestia theMatte iffeality on
like what kind of being am I
Do I have a soul
Is there any soul that will servive after I
valuetheof 97 is divided into 2 parts
ethics 7 How human should live witheach
other How should I live
How should I live
How u g treat animal
aesthetics 7 study of beauty art
what beauty is or whether it
Ee Reasoning
But if you truly boiles down philosophers talked about
Physical world the origin of life human mind
what is the world how does it work
a a n mind k i I Y
a a mind a n n u
as philosophers was asking question answering they this
way they have give birth to so many other deciplines
like I physics Biology chemistry psychology
today they are some out of subject cause they have
less idea about science other deciplines which have
arrived Philosophy in general ask 22vestion
what is How we know it now new
intution is the new philosophy
ontology epistemology
according to Emmunal Kunt we will never be able
to understand reality as it goes through human
the difference between Eastern western philosophy
Eastern philosopher wants to change themselves
while western in u i m the world with
r the dash
killing evil following go'od of fate
like eastern is more about acceptencend western
is all about change
Western philosophy comes from babylon Rome Egypt
there is very few written records about that
eastern philosophy has it's root in Indian civil
zation chines civilization
eastern western both philosophy potrayes their
geographical influence over them
Due to the geographical location of Rome Babyloy
Geurope they were able to discover sciencesame happen with india china their
rivers agriculture phenomenon force them to
be localist estern philosophy
today example sadhgunu
save soil
Greece geographical terrain allowed trade to
flourish between various people this had to do with
their seared food resources they had to room
around for eating while indian chines were
waiting their nievens to give them enop
In greece marchents were the most impotent
while In India farmers n u n u
in so ity
due to this weastern philosophy is openwinddeedd
eastern is conservative spritual
if marchent don't like something they chargeInt if farmer in n u
they had to
wait for next season nature
N r i
b h l
Now from this origin both philosophy has found their
way what they're doing today is the productof that
like if you go to Europe they have build
charch Universite Olimpic games science
psychology etc cause they had to do it
for their Servival
likewise eastern philosophy Budha Hinduism
has created meditation discovering yourself etc
Einstein Tagore's philosophy
make sense as per their own
eature Einstein talks about external
world while tagore talks about
In western philosophy questioning your teacher
was a ritual while eastern it's a form of
Western philosophy has good evil concept
on their philosophy cause they had to fightfor thier serviral therefore in order to motivate
thin solider they had to introduce it this allows
progress its more of a phychology rather a
morality Both
We as human have good Bad our job is to
Understand this act accordingly
the biggest clashes are western believes in progre
eastern believe in acceptence
thus their way of life is make life easier byunderstanding science make it more efficient
3 western philosophy
Socrates he is the pieneoor of
rational thinking
before him there were
many philosopher like pythago
nus ete but he had made
it into history due to his
sacrifice for truth
He set's the base for modern science
Idinsthimitganesonnonesknowlage a one evil
as He was Socrates's student he
continues on Socrates's idea of
His famous thought experiment
allogmgofaniceave_ills.t rates
that if you are away from the
light source see your own
shadow inside a cave that's how
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we pereive reality