How prayat nightI Start with the sign of thecrosseI pray the bedtime prayerNow I lay me down to sleepIpraythe lord my soul to keepthe anglesgaard me throughthe night and keep meSafe till morninglightAmenI pray the Guardian AngelprayerAngel of Godmyguardiandear to whom Gods lovecommitsme here even this day nightbe at my side to light to guardto rule and guideA menI praythe St Michael prayer next pageor St Michael the archangeldefendus in battle be our protectionagainstthe wickedness and snares of thedevil MayGod rebuke him wehumblypray and do thou on Prince of theheavenlyhosts bythe power of Godthrustinto hellSatan and all the evilspirits whoprowl about the worldseekingthe ruin ofsoulsAmenI pray for anyone who is hurtgoingthrougha rough time or needs a prayerI take time to thank God for everythinghehasgiven meI take some time to listenfor God or for himtorespondto meEnd with thesignofthe crossAmeneHave funpraying Jesus lovesyou