How I pray at night (both pages
How pray
at night
I Start with the sign of thecrosse
I pray the bedtime prayer
Now I lay me down to sleep
Ipraythe lord my soul to keep
the anglesgaard me through
the night and keep me
Safe till morninglight
I pray the Guardian Angelprayer
Angel of Godmyguardian
dear to whom Gods lovecommits
me here even this day nightbe at my side to light to guardto rule and guide
A men
I praythe St Michael prayer next page
St Michael the archangeldefend
us in battle be our protectionagainst
the wickedness and snares of the
devil MayGod rebuke him wehumbly
pray and do thou on Prince of the
heavenlyhosts bythe power of God
thrustinto hellSatan and all the evil
spirits whoprowl about the world
seekingthe ruin ofsouls
I pray for anyone who is hurtgoingthrough
a rough time or needs a prayer
I take time to thank God for everythinghehas
given me
I take some time to listenfor God or for himtorespond
to me
End with thesignofthe cross
Have funpraying Jesus lovesyou