10 28 22LECTURE 29e recall the velocity wrt t is vet r tV t is the instantaneous rate of changeof arclength wrttherefore dat is called the speed of theparticletIT tspeed is also the magnitude of t that is Il ret 11If the position of a particle wrt t is retand s is an arc length parameter thenact IES Th Kit Edt Nctbasically means that a t lies in the planeof T t and N t and is always orthogonal to BetProve the above theoremt of TH we know T H IIT t 11 N tt d t If T tt If th If I T t 11 Nlt Since we K f IIT t Iknow u r t and Ilr't till daft If Tht t dat Kit Nlt Intangential formaldirection directionalt is always orthogonal to B t and lies inthe plane of Nlt and Thtnotation at If an K ta t at f TCHTANGINCHIf a particle ha position of ret thenat each time t the vectors r a andscalars K at an are related byat YE an liveda v11 YjProve the above theorema at TH t an N tart att T t an N T At Http atat a Twe know T Fry soat Of A 2 an YEHax t att x T t an NXT Ot Blt Bltme Blt r t x r tknow 11 r t x r t 11 1axt Iffy an H NltFt KUNCHanFI an Et kitan 11 9,11 a an II V11 Kits K Mitt YES in