Smily the clown
Sex/Gender: Female / Female.
Age: 24 - Born 23rd of February.
Appearance: Standing 5' 1" tall, this white skinned
woman has an innocent feel about her. Her mid-
back length, wavy, lightest blonde hair is worn in a
cascading style. She has trustful, round, black and white
eyes, a sharp jaw and fine eyebrows. She wears bold eyeliner,
vivid blush, a foundation for highlights and complimentary
lipstick, clown like makeup. She has toned legs, a short neck,
narrow hips, muscular arms, and slender hands. She often
wears clown themed clothes.
Personal Status
Social Class: Upper middle class.
Education: Unknown
Marital status: Single (Ace-sexual)
Job: Clown - 70% satisfied
Financial status: Comfortable.
Personal views
Religious view: Theist - (Faith: 65%).
World view: Realist.
Racial views: "Racial differences are just cosmetic".
Gender bias: "Women are smarter than men most times, especially with emotions".
Age preference: "Trust kids when it comes to the unseen, trust adults with statistics".
Nationalism: "I don’t know where I’m from".
Conflict: "I've never been in a fight".
Physical/Health: very short memory, suffers from depression but tries to ignore it.
Likes: taking photographs.
Dislikes: Being touched, being hungry, and cold.
Afraid of: --
Self-satisfaction: 10% - decreasing alarmingly quick.
Fitness level: 84% - Stable.
Motivator: Wants to hear people laugh.
Skills: Skilled at sleight-of-hand.
Colours: Likes all colors, mostly purple.
Music: Likes circus.
Foods: Organic food
Book Genre: Detective
Animal: Sheep
Personality Type: ESFP - The Performer
(Extroverted Sensing Feeling Perceiving)
Friendliness: Likeable
Honesty: Malicious
Assertiveness: Possessive
Confidence / Ego: 20%- declining rapidly
Agreeableness: Communicative
Manners: Good mannered
Discipline: Perfectionist
Rebelliousness: Non-rebellious
Emotional capacity: Emotional
Intelligence: Resourceful
Positivity: Placid
Activeness / Lifestyle: Adventurous
At first glance, this character looks sweet and innocent.
1. Have a suggestive voice.
2. Wear little jewelery.
3. Constantly wear the same outfit.
4. Are addicted to sugar.
5. Often make religious gestures and incantations.
6. Love music.
7. Are slowly going insane.
8. Always speak slang, even in formal situations.
9. Are obsessed with another person.
10. Drink a lot of soda.
11. Hum whenever they're doing something.
12. Are a master of disguise.
13. Were born in a leap year.
14. Attempt to solve problems.
15. Are very brave.
16. Make poor decisions.
Power Type 1:
1 - Eldritch magic. (Use mind-bending, unfathomable powers that can warp reality and beyond and unknown limits)
Power | Power origin | Skill Level:
1st | Natural power since birth | Complete control
Strengthened by: ---
Weakened by: ---
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Job Specifications
Position: Jester
Description: A person who entertains by joking, jesting, or performing tricks.
Level: N/A
Type: Full-Time Work
Hours Per Week: 23
Hourly Rate: $31.32 / £21.90
Per Annum Approx: $37,459 / £26,192
Employee Benefits
Unpaid Holiday: 10 days
Paid Holiday: 85 days
Healthcare: No
Sick Leave: 97 days
Employer Morality: Ego-centric
Worker Satisfaction: 80%
Employer Reputation: Good