The Monkeybear and the Tiger
The Monkeybear and the Tiger
By @MonkeybearQueen
One day Gandalf, the monkeybear was strolling along. He, like all good monkeybears, hated
mushrooms, and was looking for mushrooms to smash. For that very purpose he had brought along
a jar of grape jelly.
He had not tried smashing mushrooms with a jar of grape jelly yet, but he was certain it would
be very eective. He had already tried all the other avors like, strawberry, peach, and mushroom.
They all had produced a lovely smashing noise and a big mess but were one-time-use. But this was
sure to be the one!
Soon he came upon a great big tiger, stuck in a great big cage. Gandalf had never seen a tiger.
He screamed and ran around in a circle ve times before jumping in front of the tiger.
“ARE YOU A MUSHROOM???” He demanded.
The tiger fell backwards in surprise. “I am no mushroom! I am a tiger and I can give you a great
many things if you let me out.”
“Will join me in my quest?”
“What quest?” The tiger asked.
“It is the most noble of quest. I am questing on a quest to nd the questly Oreos! Cake! Pizza!
And Cookies!”
The tiger raised its large uy eyebrows. “Then why is the only supplies you carry a jar of
Gandalf pued his chest. “This is not just a jar of jelly it is a jar of grape jelly!”
The tiger looked confused. Then it shrugged in the way tigers shrug. “No matter. Once you let
me out of the cage I will help you on your questy quest or whatever.”
Gandalf shouted “Hurray!” And leapt in the air. He also spun around ve times because ve is a
good number. He bounced over to the cage and smashed his jar of grape jelly on the lock. Jelly
splashed all over the tiger. It nearly roared but managed to restrain itself. Gandalf opped on on the
ground sobbing. “I broke my jar of grape jelly!” he cried.
The tiger looked like it wanted to cry too. It was depressed that the only being that wanted to
help was a creature like this. Also its fur was covered in grape jelly.
“Try using your wonderful ngers to open the lock.” The tiger said.
Gandalf leapt up. “Wow! That is genius!” He exclaimed. “I never would of thought of it.”
He then used his wonderful ngers to pick the lock. The tiger leaped out, claws unsheathed,
teeth barred, and ready to attack.
Gandalf screamed and ran around in a circle ve times. Then he ran around in a circle the
opposite direction ve times. The tiger was so confused he started crying.
Gandalf ran around the tiger ve times. Then he jumped on the tiger and started painting it with
the grape jelly. The tiger was so humiliated that it tucked its tail between its legs and crawled back
into the cage.
Gandalf ran around the cage in a circle ve times. Then just to mix it up he ran around the cage
one more time. Then he collected all the grape jelly in his party hat and ran away ve times