Chapter 1 (for personal reasons,names [other then mine] arechanged)As I walk into class, i immediately notice. He’s nothere. I look over at my girl best friend, Kay, and ask“where’s Brandon?” only for her to reply with“Courtney…You’re going to want to sit down forthis…” I froze before responding “What…?” I staredat her for a moment before saying “Kay…please tellme he’s okay..” i slowly sat down in my seat as shesaid “He overdosed this morning…We were talkingand he just fell so i got the nurse but before she gotthere, he told me…Mary cheated on him, i didn’tknow what to do.” Tears immediately started to wellin my eyes. “No…Why would he do something sowreakless…” I managed to whisper.END OF CHAPTER 1!