interview questions
hey tributes
so the reaping day stories are finished! I hope you enjoyed the tales of Orchid,
Mackenzie, Kylie and Carper <3
next up is a story on a bullet train from the districts to the capitol, and then some
but after that will be some interviews! I’ll be interviewing your characters, but if you
want to take a more personal approach, then feel free to write your own interview or
answer some of the questions below!
Just remix this note and choose some to answer, or add your own questions!
no due date but the sooner the better ;)
How are you feeling about being here tonight?
Tell us a bit about yourself and your life back in District 6
Well, I didn't plan on getting picked, but I would train my skills every day just so I'm
prepared. Well, to all those tributes out there, Good luck finding me, and may the odds
ever be in your favor I guess.
What strengths do you bring to the games?
I would tell you this but I would rather not share them so that when I'm out there I can
make sure that I have the element of surprise. Also, your microphone is going to turn off
soon, you might want to charge it.
Any special skills you have, or have been working on in training?
Like I said earlier I prefer not to share, although I will give you the fact that I'm
very good with any technology, I'm also good with throwing knives. * He doesn't say this
but I wanted to add it in.* (to help with my fighting I made sure I know how to make
those throwing knives grow into a sword incase of close up combat. The also come back to
me once I've programed them thoroughly, though that may take a long time so I don't
usually do that.)
How have your mentors been preparing you for the arena?
We'll my mentor has given me lots of tip and things that will probably save my life on
multiple occasions.
What or who are you fighting for in the games?
Well, first off obviously my life. Unfortunately, I only have my sister (Emmerson or
Emmie for short) and my girlfriend (June) back at home.
Is there anyone back home you’d like to send a message to?
I just want to tell the entirety of district 6 that if I win it's a miracle and if I
don't, June please take care of my sister.
How are you finding the Capitol and its people? Any surprises or favorite moments so
Well, I found out the like interviews before the games. This could also harm you though.
Did you know if you shared too much information people could use it against you? If I had
shared all of my talents my opponents would know how to fight me. I'm probably talking
too much. *laughs*
What do you think of life in the Capitol compared to your home life?
It's quite fancy. There are a lot of things here that would be a dream back home. Not to
offend anyone, but I still prefer my home in district 6.
Have you considered any alliances with other tributes?
I have thought of it. There will be plenty of betrayal though. If I'm on the verge of
death I have to be sure that they won't just leave me to die. Most likely I will only
make alliances with three or less people. You want to be those three people *laughs*
Who do you see as your biggest competition among the other tributes?
Honestly all of them are not bad. I really don't know, I would have to look at more of
the interviews.
How do you plan to handle the challenges and dangers of the arena?
Well back home I would watch everything. Whether it was little boys about to prank
someone, or how the animals would react when someone would be about to harm it. I'll be
looking for any sorts of movement.
What are your thoughts as the games come closer and closer?
Honestly, since I've already been picked there's no way out. I have to train as hard as I
Any final words for the audience and potential sponsors watching tonight?
Hey, anything useful would be nice. I'll take anything. If you guys like me enough you'll
sponser me! *smile*
What legacy do you hope to leave behind?
I hope to leave behind (even if I don't win) the impression that sometimes using your
eyes isn't a bad thing. I watch people all the time. I believe this skill will help me
survive for longer. Anyways sorry, excuse me. People in the audience, I believe that the
speaker is about to fall *crashes*. Is everyone okay? Oh and miss I can tell you're
scared of bugs, there is a couple ants in the lane you're sitting in 🐜 🐜 🐜 . Oh and
If you don't like mice you may want to call pest control there's a lot of mice in the
pantry. (They hide behind the graham crackers)