As I look at Pollo play with his ball I start to wonder why Way-Len came allbeat up to apologize to me. I then hear a knock on my door “Coming!” Iexclaimed, I walk to the door and look through the peak hole, it’s Apolloand his sister. I open the door and let them in “Hey Sinny” Apollo saidgiving me a kiss on the cheek. Apollo and his sister take off their shoes andsit on the couch. “So, are you two dating?” Vera said smirking, looking atme and Apollo. “Yes we are” Apollo said with a smile on his face. Apollopats his leg and Pollo quickly runs to him and starts jumping up and down.I proceeded to sit on the couch and watch Apollo play with Pollo. Vera soonstood up and looked out the window, Vera jumped and yelled “WOW THEREIS A WHOLE SNOW STORM OUT THERE”. “Vera don’t yell it’s impolite”Apollo said, picking up Pollo and putting him on his lap. “Oh! Sorry” Verasaid in a quiet voice. I smile, Vera can be so silly sometimes, though she isthe oldest sibling of Apollo’s, she she acts a lot like a kid but she is reallymature. Apollo pulls me without knowing and kisses me forehead two timeand then my cheek. “Why are you so cute?” He asks, “Pinocchio your noseis growing” I said cupping his face with both my hands, he sits me on hislap making me face him, he lays his head on my neck and I start breathingfast. “Get a room you two” Vera says looking disgusted. “You’re just jealousthat you’re single” Apollo said, kissing my neck softly. I hit his head and helooks at me, “why did you do that for” He said rubbing his head. “Becauseyour sister is here and I don’t want her to see what you do to me” I whisper.He smirks and slowly bites my shoulder. I blush, “YOU FREAKING JERK” Iyelled at him and pushed his head away. Vera looked at Apollo, “So is thiswhat you two do in your spare time?” She said smirking. Apollo nods andsmiles, “Give me a niece and I’ll accept let you two do whatever you guyswant to do to each other whenever I’m here” Vera said smiling and noddingher head. “No males can’t have babies and plus we are too young” I saidturning to Vera, Apollo nods. We all sit there in silence since Vera fellasleep and Apollo is looking out the window. I look at Apollo and hug himfrom behind, “I’d say something really weird right now but my sister ishere” Apollo said luring his head a bit, “you’re so stupid” I said, laying myhead on his shoulder. “You have such good clothing style, I’ll be a shame ifthey got torn off” Apollo said, turning his body over too me, he pulls mecloser to him, “Yeah… not today buddy” I told him slowly pushing off me, “was it worth the try though?” He said, I shook my head with a smile.