Hmmm.. 🤨
Ok… not I’m really mad!!!! U all know how Luna had that alt account?
Welll that got banned tooo!!!!!🤬 😡 😡 guys this is getting out of
hand… like WHO IS DOING ALL THIS GARBAGE!!!!! We should put all
our suspects together and discuss who is doing this 😡 😡 . Like I’m
just a girl who is trying to draw and post nice stuff and i got
agged like 6 times 😠 😠 I’m so angry right now… like guys i might
take a break from notability and just come back when all this drama
is done.. like it was Duolingo then Luna.. WHOS NEXT like I’m kinda
scared thb.. also if anyone nds luna’s new alt account dont post it
out loud.. idk mabye we should all exchange emails and keep it
private so the person who is doing all this stuff and agging people
and getting people banned doesn’t know… idk tell me what u think in
the comments..