Prob Chongyun from Genshin mainly cos agegap notthatbig
wait Chongyun is the exorcist Cryo boy who's friendswithXianglingright
Nah I haven't I
Ninjago The Masked Singer Masterchef any
a lot of game shows
Art argue with AI ldon't asklmao more art
scrolling through random profiles on Notability
andstudying lmao
Kinda hard topick one I do like fan musictho
as in fans of gamesand stuff makesongs DSMp
songs and FNAF songs best in my opinion
I also like OSTs from videogames Genshin
music is so good and movies
Currently my fav song is In My Head by Derivakat
based on dRanboo I Also the Ranboorebrand is rllycool
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What’s you fav music type? (fav songs)