YALL my weekend was actually pretty good. I chilled out a lot and talked to my friends and also Itried a lot of new skincare routines. My bangs finally grew back to a length where I can put themdown cuz it took FOREVER 😩 . But I’m extremely happy that they are back 🥰 💕 ✨ . I went tochurch today and I felt the Holy Spirit lots. 💕 ✨ . I also talked to my Geese Friends like like a lot🪿 . I honestly have no words on seeing my crush tomorrow 🥰 . Ima just not run away from him cuzyea. I finally asked him like how I felt like he thought of me as like annoying and stuff…. But hedoesn’t think that 😁 . He is very honest and he always makes me giggle likeeeeeeeee 😳 . But hedoesn’t mind and he already knows I like him but he is still wanting to be good friends with me and Iaccept that. Idk if he changed his feelings or not but yea. 😜 . He is that guy friend that is sure akeeper 💅 . I honestly think on the weekends I’m so bored cuz idk WTH to freaking do soooo yea. Istill got homework girlies so I have to work on that! Byeeeeeeee Tinkers 🧚 💕 ✨ ! Let’s get to 30followersssssss 🥳 !-Tinker Queen 🧚 💕 ✨