Sabrina: HELLO CHILDREN! Woah- where is she running to?Claudia: Oops forgot Gasoline! (Runs back and grabs) OKAY BYE LOSERS (runs back to circus next door andburns it)Briar: anyways- liam.. where’s lulu u promised she’d come back today! ..Briar: yeah.. okay. (i folded my arms staying behind for a second, then grabbing my rope and mimi then
flinging myself out the circus)Claudia: TO LATE ALREADY DID ! (Runs away as fast as she can)CLOWNCLUB RP CHATLiam: O-or…we could play t wister! (Gets out box) Yes, t wister!Liam: Hey guys! What do you think we should do today?Neo: Burn down an orphanage ^_^Liam: Oh…uh…Let’s play Uno!Claudia: NO 😡 i wanna burn all the circus in the world besides this one or else :3Claudia: NO. (Runs out of the tent to burn down the circus nextdoor)Liam: Yeah about that…Um, that’s for another day, we need to stop Claudia beforeshe commits mass murder! (Runs after her)Liam: why 😭 😭 😭Claudia : (commits arson at a mall) that’s more like it (teleports back andtakes Neo) WERE GONNA BURN A ORPHANAGE !Neo: [playing t wister by himself] “what-“ [cutely falls over 😍 😍 ] “OW..😭 😭 ”Liam: Oop uhhNeo: “HELP I DONT WANNA BURN DOWN AN ORPHANAGE ANYMORE😭 😭 PLEASE JUST LET ME PLAY TWISTER 🙏 🙏 🙏 ”Liam: (grabs Claudia by the shoulders and whispers in herear *in the most menacing way possible*) You burn thatplace down and you’re taking out the circus. You take outthe circus and I’m dragging you down with me, or god sohelp me I will commit things I would NEVER do in front ofan audience. *lets Claudia go*Neo: “I- BAHAHAHAH- L BOZO CLAUDIA” [continues playingt wister 😼 😼 ]Liam: *grabs Claudia again and forced her to play t wister* I’ll bethe spinner!Neo: “YAYYY!” [insert happy gremlin noises] Sabrina: Ima join too!Neo: “YAYYYY!!” [Inseet even happier gremlin noises] “YALL ARE GONNA LOSE IM SO GOOD AT THIS GAME”Sabrina: Heyyyy!Mr. Giggles: Liam is right i think is right about the t wister being fakeBriar: (i walked back into the tent and tapped Liam on the shoulder) … where’s lulu? (i said my eye almostt witching) you said she’d be back. (i sounded like i lost my marbles)Claudia: (she’d set her hands on Briar’s shoulders.) (She’d snap her finger 3 times at Briar.) Snap out of ityou’ll end up insane.Briar: (i looked at Claudia and dropped his collar pushing him to the ground then running to my room withmimi follow behind; mimi was flipping off Liam)Neo: “Hey be nice to Liam- He didn’t do anything.” [a n g r y] “Honestly how did this even start up?” [cutelyholds hand out for Liam]Briar: (i choke on words and fall, my eyes tear ok at Liam walking off and i just run into my room)Liam: You all have your spots? Okay, umm…Alright, Yellow RightLeg. Wait a second—Neo: [moves his leg] “Hm?-“Liam: why is there four blues and t woyellows— I think this is a fake t wisterMr. Giggles: *joins group* hey guys.Liam: *grabs Neo cutely* I’m going to fire her, god so help me.Neo: [light nod] “I get it. Just.. try your best to keep yourselfunder control. Things could get worse if you did that.”Liam: Yeah…*Liam follows briar, and grabs Neo’s hand forcefully so hewould follow*Neo: [follows Liam, keeping a hold of his hand] “I have a bad feelingabout this, Liam..”Liam: Yeah, but I have to tell her one day. So I’m doing it now.Neo: [nods and stays silent, just kinda thinking about somestuff I guess lol]Liam: *walks up to Briar, and lets go of Neo* ALRIGHT, BRIAR. WANT TOKNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO LULU? I CAN TELL YOU NOW. SHES DEAD.DEAD, BRIAR. LET IT SOAK IN. SHES NOT COMING BACK. *he pushes Briarand walks away*Liam: *covers his mouth and runs after Briar to comfort her* Briar! Briar: (i tear up; crying in his arms and mimi ‘hugs’ me with her tiny wings)Briar: it’s okay liam, (sniffle) i just miss her so muchLiam: *knocks sadly* Look…I didn’t know how else to say it…I…