i PEtd Kan0778838ELI KimHey guys Igot mybrotherhere whowants torate y’allartsYourtheonewhomademe dothis QÉPLEE KimÉPKEELEDYou keptbeggingNo Ididn’teh heh 050881Kagato0 53PEERKEIRNWhateverTime foryou to gomakesomeamazingart for mybrother torate andyou willget aprize🫵 iDPSEE ANOESEETSEEKimYoubetter dogood I’mnot easytoimpressAnd don’tmake cringelike thisdumb thing 837 Ébig KNy83Sign here and post only this page 👍Tells me to do adare *no facereveal* andgets a drawingof their oc+ stickerStickerDrawing ofoc anstickerAnywaysgood luck! here tit'son Papercuz it'shard on inteSry