“I can’t help them with everything.”I looked at Cole, who was about to go down to help Lura and her gang. “Which is why I will go.” Isaid grabbing Cypher.“You can’t go down there!” Cole said getting changed into his fighting armor.“Cole, you and I both know that the will help!”“Yeah, if you sign me up for more Gladiator fights… please do that if you want. I’m bored.” He saidsoftly. I walked up to Cole and kissed him. He kissed my back, then patted Cypher’s head. Hepicked up his sword as the godly glow so rounded him. His hair did the dumb float in the no windthing, and he went to leave. He turned back and looked at me.“Astraea, I know what your going to do. It will break them.”“Or fix them.” I said firmly following behind Cole. He seemed uneasy at my idea, but hey, I’m a nutjob now that I live with one.Cole looked at me, and pushed me away. I flung back but landed in random pillows, Cole probablymade with his powers.“SORRY LOVE YOU! BYE!” He said turning and jumping out of Olympus. I jumped up and ran to thebalcony.“σε βρίζω σε ρίμες!” I yelled at him.He turned in the air and his eyes filled with an angry red glow. “CuRsE mE eH?! You will pay!” Heyelled. His voice stopped and he froze in air. He loooked up with a pouting face. “I don’t want torhyme all day!” He crooked.“TO BAD!”He pouted more before heading off. I knew Lura, and Devin would maybe feel bad, but Nika wold
find it hilarious.A soft cry sounded in my arms, and I looked at Cypher. The twins had both had a mixture of Coleand I’s skin, but Everly had Cole’s hair and eyes, and Cypher had mine.“Daddy is going to get sissy… some young Hero’s will bring her back.” I said softly… although I wasstarting to loose hope. I looked up, and I knew what I had to do.I ran to the other side of Olympus and got to my Father’s area. I walked through and found hischariot. I set Cypher down on a little basket father had put on for the twins. I quickly wrote a note,saying ‘Taking the Chariot to the Underworld. BRB.’I woke up the white Pegasy and we took off. I made it to LA in no time, and went to a old closedhotel. I walked in, and a line of spirits were waiting.“How did you die?” One asked.I didn’t answer, but walked to the front desk. I put Cypher under my cloak, and hoped nobodywould notice.A ghost came up to the counter and eyed me. “You aren’t dead!” He yelled. The others in the roomscreamed, in horrifying voices but I simply closed my eyes.“No I am not.” I agreed. “But I am The Flame. I am the wife f the god of the battle, endurance,strength, and… probably recklessness.” I said firmly. The last part was probably true, but I couldn’tremember. “The Flame eh? Prove it.”I raised an eyebrow. I didn’t know how to prove it exactly. I mean, there was one time where me andCole had an argument, and he said how I floated and stuff burst into green Greek fire.“I… I can’t exactly do that.”“Then leave or we will somehow take your soul.”My anger boiled and I looked down. Then someone familiar called my name. “Astraea?”I looked up and froze. My eyes widened, and I didn’t want to believe my eyes. “Um… Howard. Shewill come with me to Hades. She has an…. Um… appointment.” The Spector said firmly. The ghostHoward rolled his eyes. “Fine… right this way.The spirit who stood up for me lead me away and out a door to boats. He floated into the boat, andsmiled.“Long time no see huh?” He said smiling.I nodded and stepped in. I unhid Cypher and and sat down. I looked down, as the spirit made theboat go.“We have to pass the River Styx, and then we can go talk to Hades.” He said softly.I nodded and looked at him. He pushed his ghostly brown hair out of his face, and his eyes were stillgreen. He wore armor from Camp Half-Blood, which had burn marks on it.“I… how?” I asked.Tyler the son of Demeter shrugged. “It was a blur. I remember lightning heading at Lura, and I gaveNika my shield hoping she would realize—… I have her my shield and jumped in front of thelightning. It felt like a blink, but then I was in line— like the others— got sent down here, and helpmom, and Hades- because their married— out.” He explained.The boat came to a jump and I grabbed Cypher tightly, as we entered a green glowing River.“River Styx.” I said softly.“Yeah.” Tyler said nodding. He looked at Cypher. “How is it? You and Cole, and all that. I knowabout Everly… everyone does.” He explained.I looked down. “It’s… it was nice. It’s not normal with someone stealing you baby… and…” I felttears in my eyes. Tyler nodded and went to give me a brotherly hug, but his arm went through me.We soon came the chambers, and I got out and walked to the thrown area.“Hades. I need something.”He looked at me carefully. “You girl is alive. You may leave.”“Not that, but thanks.” I said being reassured. Hades looked at me carefully. Once you get to knowthe gods, their not that bad.“What is it you need?”“I need two spirits to lead young hero’s through the smokies.” I said firmly.“Two?! Are you mad?!” Hades roared.“Want it to be three?!” I threatened. You see, being the flame comes with perks, this is one of them.Hades looked at me.“Who will it be?” He asked. I looked at Tyler. “Tyler and John Baxter.” I said. Hades looked at me, and nodded to Tyler. Hewaved his hand, and a spirit came up. He was tall, thin, had brown hair, and blue eyes withknowledge behind them.“Alright boys… you know what to do.” Hades said.Tyler and Mr Baxter nodded, and I smiled.