When you feel lost about what God’s plan is for you, remember Mary and Joseph.
Joseph had an angel come up to him and the angel told him Mary was going to become pregnant with Jesus. He
started doubting God of how he could be a father.
Mary became pregnant with Jesus and a king wanted to kill her because he wanted to be the only king the people
would worship and so Jesus wouldn’t get in the “way”.
God led them to Bethlehem in a manger and Mary gave birth.
Jesus grew up and guided people with love and gentleness to follow Him. He did things that people thought were
impossible. Later on, He got crucied by the people who thought He was pretending to be God. And then 3 days later,
Jesus came back and the chains of sin broke.
When you don’t know what God is doing, when you are feeling all of this pain, when people are turning their backs on
you, know that everything happening is for a reason.