Helpppp me!
So for the pass few MONTHS I’ve been getting little notes in the most awful handwriting I think I
have ever seen that say “I like you” but no name which is kind of silly cause what’s the point if I dont
even know who its from right? Well there other notes like are you coming to church on Sunday so he
obviously goes to my church and when I got that note my worries were conrmed THE WEIRD KID
LIKES ME 😭 lets call him K and today during passing period (in between periods) I went to
my locker to brush my hair for my crush lol (not K) K is really short so I couldn’t tell but my
friend lets call her E says leave Emmi alone K and I turn around and he’s staring at me not
even two inches away from me mid sni!!!!!!!! Like personal space and ew get away from me
you rat!!!! Someone help me K is very scary chopped the frogs head o during dissection
and broke his IPad for the 7th or 8th time today I’m scared for my lifeeeeeeeeeee wish me