Astraea lifted off of her feet as a tear floated off of her face. Tyler tried to get the vines around herbut they burned up as she glowed. Devin watched in horror as the flame slowly entered her glowinghands. Nika watched, but didn’t say it show anything. Lura was deep in thought, and her face struckwith regret.Astraea’s mouth dropped as she was in a trance.The flame dimmed as it entered her hands. Astraea’s glowing eyes closed and she fell. Cole jumpedcaught her. He held the earth with one hand, and Astraea in the other. Lura watched and saw hiseyes give a dim red glow… his skin gave a glow as well.“Slay.” Nika said in aw.Hades sent the skeletons in, and Cole let go. He looked tired but he held up Astraea’s body. Shewasn’t dead… just unconscious. He looked up and the glow faded.Hades looked at everyone.“You can not take the tunnels. It’s not safe.” He said softly. Everyone nodded and he led us to anexit into the woods.Tyler got a fire started as the sun set. Everyone was quiet, even Nika who always had a joke. Tylerlooked at Cole who was sitting down by a tree, who held Astraea in his arms. Everybody smile, asshe slowly sat up.I opened my eyes. I looked up at Cole who hit down a smile. I sat up slowly and looked around.Everyone smiled, and watched me.“Are… how are you?”I looked at Cole for a moment. I didn’t feel.. bad or great. I felt numb. “Numb. I… I don’t know whatto feel.” I whispered to him. He nodded and stood up with me in his arms he walked over to thegroup and set me down.“Good to see your not ash!” Nika said smiling.I looked at Cole, who actually called me Ash. He bursted out laughing, and it felt good to see himsmile. We all started to tell jokes and dumb stuff like that.Lura looked up and her face fell.Deep snarls echoed.I turned my head as three Miniatures stood there huffing. Everyone jumped back and all drew theirweapons… everyone but me. I couldn’t move. I was to weak. They charged and Tyler used hispowers to pull us into trees… but that didn’t do a thing.They knocked the trees down in a single charge and I hit the ground. Cole ran to me and pulled outhis sword. Tyler stood by him and did the same as the girls pulled out daggers. I tossed Devin mybow and arrow with the energy I had.He held it up. “There to many!” Cole said. They all stood taller then us all, and I looked at Cole. “So? Cerberus hadthree heads!” I yelled at him. Lura nodded and yelled something at Devin I couldn’t catch, but Devinnodded.Devin pulled me behind a broken tree. “So your my sister—”“Cut to the chase.”“I’m gonna leave you here and fight.”I nodded but watched. Cole protected the girls, but they were doing somewhat well. Tyler washelping them, and trying to make vines. Cole pulled out a dagger from his boot, and stabbed oneshead as it turned to dust.“BEHIND YOU!” Lura yelled to Devin. He shot his bow and it hit the Minitor in the chest. Cole turnedand threw the dagger as it hit that one too.Everyone was focused on one as the second came at me.I tried to get away but couldn’t.Someone in armor jumped in front and stabbed the beats, as it turned to dust. The man’s face washidden behind his helmet but his eyes were familiar. He turned and Cole… well… Cole ripped ahead off of the second one. Cole looked at me eyes wide.“Oops.” He said softly.Tyler threw up on Devin, and Devin tried to hold it in. Everyone looked at the man in armor. He tookhis helmet off and looked at me.No.Not in a million years.“Who are you?!” I told him. He looked at me carefully, and put his sword back. “Look your mom isalready going to kill me! I know I should have told you but—”“Who are you?!” I asked angrily as Cole helped me up. How could he never tell me. After all theseyears.Bexter looked at me. “Bexter Lakeshead, son of Aphrodite.”