hi you guys! So I have some news for u guys…and it’s not all bad! So every year our school holdsthis thing called speech tournament! You gather ur friends and find a speech and u memorize itand preform it in front of the judges. So it’s kinda a lot and I’ve done it every year with myfriends :) since we couldn’t find a 9 person script 😂 we divide into groups of 3 every year andother high schools compete as well :D it’s really really fun too 😊 so this year we did our rotationthingy and I’m with Tam and Violet 💕 then it’s Destiny, Finn and Starr and Charlie, Alice and Jakeso we always have a bunch of fun but since we have to memorize we go to each others housesand have to do all that stuff so I can’t be super active since speech season has begun 😭 I’ll tryto post some art and my 100 special and I’ll like and comment but not too much posting 😫 sorrybout that guys prob should have told u earlier 👀 anyways we had practice today and it washorrible, we kept laughing and loafing around with Tam’s cats that we forgot to even to it andwhen we started doing it we kept messing up 😂 I think we have a lot more work to do…how’s urgroup Destiny? Bye <33For Memester:Hi Memester, i have to tell u smth, I got logged out of outlook and idk how to get back in bc Iforgot my password and when I do the ‘forgot password?’ Thing it asks me for all this weird infoI’m not giving 😤 so I’m not gonna be on outlook anymore sorry T-T