My fingers ok lol👍
Today was fun ig ( don’t know what other word to describe it lol)
I accidentally stapled my nger 😭
But I’m alive
This is your sight to not dget with staplers when talking to ppl
Sooo I was talking to my teacher cause it like talking to a friend (she’s 1 year older than my big sis 26) and I was also
talking to 🌊 aswell and my dumb self was dgeting with her stapler and I pressed it down into my nger on accident…
In Spanish 🌊 asked me for help and we sit in the same table thing kinda and he scooted so close to me like REALLY
close but I didn’t say anything cause…
I don’t mind🤭
I know is some schools they teach kids other languages but is it like based o of state orrrrr???
Cause in my school it was Spanish and my teacher said it was because we’re in Florida so yk there’s a lot of Hispanics but
my godsister does French in her school and she’s also in Florida🤨 🤨 🤨
I got dandelions by Ruth. B stuck in my head
Idk why I rly want to go to a gala or ball but live in the Victorian era
Like I would totally dress like this If I had the condence 😩
Byeeeee have an amazing day 🤍 🤍 🤍