VOID Part 1 and 2 (Read desc)
Part 1: Awakening
"It was a blur. I don't know how I got here, or where I am. It's dark here. This isn't
Earth... where am I?"
That's all I could think of.
I'm Sage. Your average high school teenage geek. My life is mostly pretty ordinary.
Well, not anymore. Not after yesterday. Now.. my life might be changed forever.
I fell yesterday. I fell into a pit. Not even sure why or how, I just remember falling. It
must've been a pretty deep pit because now I've got a bruise on my head, I can't
remember much, and I'm in what seems to be a different dimension. I can't even see
where I fell from.. there's no passage or anything someone could fall through if I
look up. I might have travelled into another dimension or something.
That sounds so dumb... I can't have possibly done that. There's absolutely no way
any human could ever travel through dimension.. According to science that's not
possible.... Right?
This place is really dark, everything is gray. Even the trees and plants are gray... The
only distinctly colored thing here is a bright white pathway. I can't see what it leads
to. I'm not sure if I want to follow it's path... I'd rather nd help near this place's
"entrance" thingy than be dumb and somehow get lost here. I would pull out my
phone and call the cops or something but I guess there's no cell because a weird
static shows up whenever I try to do something cellular...?
Hopefully I don't die here.
I plan on looking around a bit until I can nd something... wish me luck.
(A/N: Thank you for reading Part 1! I know the writing is weirdly organized and
very short, my apologies. Hope you stay and read a bit more! :] -V)
Part 2: Willow
I slept well last night.
I conked out within a snap of the nger, which is concerning since I slept on the cold
hard ground. I normally take hours to fall asleep.. and that's in a comfy bed! I guess
you could say anxiety and stress keep me up on a daily basis. This new... "place"
must be really messing with me. When I nally woke up, things were a bit blurry at
rst. Once my eyes adjusted to the darkness.. I had a bit of a surprise.
There was a girl standing over me. The girl was tall and skinny. Seemed like she was
at least 15. She had long, straight, dark hair and very pale skin. Her bangs covered
most of her eyes, but you could see two white oval-like gures so I guess those are
her eyes. Despite her "eye-less" look, you could see her emotion. At the moment she
seemed very monotone. The girl had an oversized sweater on, it was so long it went
just above her knees. Just above the chest area, the sweater had a "</3" design on
I sat up and stared at her, studying her. "Morning." She mumbled, in a monotone
voice. I thought my myself a bit. Is that a human? Dear god nally! I must've made
a face or something because she immediately asked if I was confused. I nodded, still
trying to adjust, and she explained.
"The name's Willow. You're.. human...?" She asked, seeming very confused. I once
again nodded, which surprised her a bunch. Am.. am I not supposed to be human or
something?? Almost as if she read my mind, Willow responded. "Humans normally
never fall down here.... It's been so long." Her eyes trailed off a bit, seeming deep
in thought.
After a short moment of silence... I asked the question that's been eating up my
mind. Well.. one of the many. "...So uh.. where the heck am I?" I asked, I was in
mild panic at the moment. "...Well.. this place... it might be confusing to you but you
traveled through dimensions." Willow responded, seeming a bit nervous in telling
me. "This one... it's known as the VOID."
"You travelled through dimensions." That. One. Phrase. Scared me to my core. I
immediately started to bombard her with questions; "Where exactly am I?? How do I
leave? Am I gonna die? AM I GONNA DIE?? I-". Willow cut me off. "First of all, you're
at what's considered entrance of this dimension. All who somehow manage to get to
the VOID, wake up here. The entrance is better known as the VOID's Grace. I'll
explain why later."
"Second, you will not be leaving. Third, you might die." Willow's answers gave me a
freaking panic attack. I MIGHT DIE. I CANT LEAVE. WHAT. I CAN'T DIE NOW!!! I HAVE
Willow yet again cut off my train of thought. "Come, I'll explain on the way." She
gestured to follow, and started walking towards the white path. I quickly stood up
and ran after her, with a hint of hesitation. I was about to ask her things again but
she put a hand up to stop me. She started to explain all the "monsters" that could
kill me. Awesome.
"You're going to need to calm down if you want to live." Willow explained. "This
place is very dangerous. I'll tell you about the dangers in a moment but rst I need
to reassure you that as long as you do NOT leave VOID's Grace, nothing can hurt you.
This is why it's called "VOID's Grace. This area is peaceful. Got it?" I quickly nodded.
"Good." She said, seeming very serious. "We have three main dangers in the VOID.
First are the Syks. They're basically oating eyes. Normally travel in groups of three.
Not sure why, considering most beings have two eyes. Syks trust absolutely nothing
and no one outside of their species. If they spot you, they will immediately shoot
lasers at you. The only way to really stop it would be to tame one.. which would
make other Syks trust you a bit knowing you've befriended a fellow Syk. But that's
an extremely hard task."
"Second, we have the Phantoms. They are ghost-like gures that normally wear a
gray cloak. They have no legs, just black smoke beneath them. Yes they can y.
Phantoms always carry a scythe with them, with the tip dipped in black withering
acid. One touch of that stuff and you'll dissolve in the snap of a nger."
"Well that's reassuring.." I commented, in a very sarcastic yet nervous tone. Willow
snapped at me. "Hush. I'm not done." I rolled my eyes and let her continue.
"Lastly, we have Hands of Death. They can randomly appear from the ground.
They'll grab at your legs and drag you down into where they came from. Apparently
it feels like getting sucked into a black hole..."
By the time she was done explaining, my face was pale from shock of how calmly
Willow was when explaining, and terror of all the things that could murder me.
"One last thing!" She mentioned teasingly. "These monsters all love to feed on
human esh! In fact it's their favorite food! They'd do anything to-"
I gave her a punch on the shoulder "SHUT UP." She smirked and chuckled.
"Hey.. if it helps just remember all those creatures don't come to VOID's Grace. They
like to search for stronger creatures farther out." Willow reassured me a bit, it did
help a bit.
After a bit of walking, we reached a house. It seemed wholesome, your average brick
house with plain walls. Nothing special, but I liked it. Willow let out a small sigh and
spoke; "You'll be staying here for a bit... hopefully forever." I walked into the house
and took a seat in the living room. "You can go make yourself at home in a bedroom
if you'd like!" She offered. I took her offer, but before I could fully leave Willow
"Wait... I just, I just wanted to apologize. I know I seem so rude like I don't care
about you, but I really do. I've just.. I've had to tell the same thing to another
human. She sadly.. didn't listen and tried to escape. She was killed the next day...
Anyways my point is. Please listen to me. I want you to be safe... I don't want to lose
another person..."
I reassured her and went upstairs. I laid on the bed.. just staring at the ceiling.
I don't think I want to stay here. Willow's nice and all.. but I can't just settle in a
place like this. It's clearly very dangerous here and I'd get miserable easily... I'm not
staying in this "VOID" dimension. I prefer Earth. I'll ask Willow later.. if I asked now
she'd probably lecture me again. I understand her concern but I'm strong... right?
I relaxed myself and turned to my side on the bed. After a while... I drifted off to
(A/N: Thank you so much for reading! Apologies for taking so long to write this part,
but I hope the wait was worth it. I denitely put much more work into this part than I
did in Part 1. Being honest here, Willow is denitely my favorite character in this
book. I hope you enjoyed Part 2! :] -V)