inisiidissidiiiiiiMM.iiiiiiiiiikToon TeanoThis is Hand ManWell he’s not a superhero per say…but he still somehow manages to dothe world good.Hand Man’s mom is the worldhated supervillain, Miss Mary. However,she was mostly preoccupied with beinga supervillain and so she wasn’t muchon a mom.After a plan of hers to build a giant death-mech fell through, she cameto the conclusion that her little tumor could be of some use. She took thehand off the mechs remains and turned it into a battle suit. She figured thathe’ll provide an ample distraction in the event the government finds her lair.Each finger is supposed to have a different power, but more often thennot they aren’t working. The thumb is a heat-pad, pointer is electric, middleradioactive, ring is hard, pinky is useless.When Hand Man was around 12, the government raided his moms lair.Contrary to her plans, Hand Man was the one who ended up escaping.Ever since he’s been traveling across North America trying to somehow getthe approval and recognition his mom didn’t give him. Well his intentionsmay not be heroic, it’s not doubt that he’s help numerous communitiesthrough odd & strange problems.