Just a little love story 😉 (2)

fists a

T: Jk is that you? J: oh hello taehyung! T: I thought that was you. What are you doing here? J: oh..
you didn’t know I box? T: no I didn’t. J: that’s surprising even when it’s coming from you. T: i surprise
everyone. J: I was hiding from my crush that’s why I’m behind this mirror. T: oh. Boy or girl? J: girl
dummy. T: anyway, you coming over tonight? J: yea I’ll be there at 7:30. T: alright don’t forget like
last time. J: I won’t i promise.
Later at 7:48.
T: he’s supposed to be here…he even promised.
Jm: I bet he forgot again.
T: just like he also does.
J: SORRY IM LATE * he said with blood dripping and him grasping for air*
j: I got in a wreck with some idiot driver.
T: are you hurt?
Jm: what does it look like dummy.
T: let’s get you cleaned up.
Jm: I’ll make the popcorn and get the movie started.
J: ow…
T: I’m sorry did that hurt?
J: yea it kinda di- *slips off the wet tile*
J: … Taehyung..?
T: are you ok? Jungkook?
J: *blushes* yes I’m ok..
T: yea Ik this is a weird position-
J: Eh…Taehyung
T: yes Jk?
J: your elbow is digging in my side…
T: oh sorry jungkook
J: it’s ok
T: *mind* oh it’s not my elbow it’s my hand
J: can we get up now?
T: *chuckles* yes sorry lov- I MEAN JUNGKOOK!
J: you called me love hahahahaha
T: it was by an accident sorry *blushes a lot*
J: I think it was cute
T: jungkook I think I like you..
J: I-… I like you to
T: how long did you keep this from me?
J: ever since we met.
T: I want to tell you something about my uh…past lover
J: ok then go ahead.
T: so when I was 18 I had this other guy and he said one day he said that he had to get something
and turns out he was cheating on me in the back alley behind the University. I cried so hard that day
when he left, it was my worst nightmare ever since.
J: I’m so sorry to hear that Tae…
T: *tisk* it’s ok he’s over away somewhere in this crappy world..
J: *kisses his hand* don’t worry I’ll never leave you
T: *chuckles* I know you won’t leave me this time I have a feeling you’ll be with me forever..
They hug*