I hope someone reads this in full
Hey guys! I know I’ve been gone for a while. I’ve
been checking out a bunch of other social media
platforms, and the stuff I’ve seen has been making
me really sad. I may not be able to get across what
I’m trying to say, but please bear with me. The
amount of people who hate themselves makes me so
sad because, y’all are all so beautiful. I’m being dead
serious. This world is so beautiful. The way the sky
looks, the shapes of the clouds, the color of the trees,
the smell of the wind, the energy of the lovely lovely
people around me. Life is way too short to waste it
wishing for things to go differently. No matter what,
just know that there is someone here who loves you.
If it’s your mom, your best friend, your dog, someone
loves you and needs you. And if you don’t have
anyone, I’m here. Just remember that next time you
feel like just a grain of sand on a beach. I promise
you, something will happen to you one day where
you just feel like crying and saying ‘thank you.’ Stay
safe, I love all y’all. Onwards and upwards!