Bible Study of the DayMarch, 8, 20242 Corinthians 1:3-4Praise be to the God and Father of our LordJesus Christ, the Father of compassion, and theGod of all comfort who comforts us in all ourtroubles, so that we can comfort those in anytrouble with the comfort we ourselves receive fromGod.What does it mean?This verse is saying to praise God the Father,because he comforts us and our How does it apply to my life?It applies to your life because you should praiseGod when he comforts you in your hard times.Because He comforts you, you should comfortothers when they are troubled. You should shinethe light of God on others and act Godly.Prayer:God and father, please comfort me in my troubles,help me to comfort others and act Godly toeveryone around me, even if they don’t act gBt