Boarding the bullet train to the Capitol is one of the most harrowingexperiences I've ever endured, yet simultaneously one of the mostexhilarating. I have awaited this moment with bated breath, truly, sincethe tender age of twelve.I am what the Capitol, the envious denizens of the impoverished districts,and even some of District 1's own citizens refer to as a career. I stand atthe pinnacle of my class, much like Delian, the other tribute from District1. A career emerges victorious nearly every year. Most other tributes standno chance—they are perpetually starving, frail, and untrained, whereas weare well-nourished, muscular, and adept in the use of any weapon to lethaleffect.The ragged yet verdant landscape rushes by as the train hurtles forward atan unprecedented speed. Remarkably, it is effortless to maintain my balanceon the impeccably clean marble floor.Delian reclines on the velvet bench, holding a glittering, rainbow-huedbeverage."This... makes me feel odd. Too girlish. Would you like it?"I shake my head, declining with grace. "No, thank you." Delian and I haveknown each other since our training commenced, which seems like the truebeginning of our lives. He bears a striking resemblance to me, as do mostof the men at home. He is exceptionally talented—the immense muscles thatbulge from every part of his body are not merely a sign of brute strength.They aid him in all his endeavors, which invariably seem to encompasseverything. Yet, I worry for him. I doubt he truly has a chance of winning.The sole reason he is here is that the real top of our class broke his armand shoulder a few days ago. Lux is the quintessential District 1 maletribute—arrogant, confident, and proud, much like people describe me. I donot shy away from it. It is how we achieve victory after victory. ButDelian... he is an adequate actor, yet I can discern that he does not wishto be here. The sponsors will recognize this as well.He could triumph if he desired, if only he could overcome his aversion tokilling. Should he manage that, he would indeed be formidable competition.I am deep in thought when our escort and mentors make their entrance.My mentor is a petite, slender woman named Ivory who triumphedapproximately ten or eleven years ago. There have been few female victorsrecently. She would undoubtedly be a better mentor for Delian; after all,she won her games by lingering near the careers, "assisting" them withtheir kills while she surreptitiously poisoned them and eliminated the fewremaining weak tributes. Delian's mentor, on the other hand, towers over meby a foot and appears even bulkier than he did in the 45th games. Hewielded a massive spiked hammer, similar to Lux, and virtually bludgeonedevery other tribute to death. I heard that viewership in the Capitol nearlydeclined due to its residents' queasiness at the sight of such brutality.Delian could demolish a brick wall with a steak knife, but place a human before it, and he suddenly becomes immobile.Our escort follows swiftly, his shiny silver heels clacking against thecold tile. "Hello, hello, hello, tributes!"Octavius's booming voice fills the room, and we turn to face the trio. Iquickly adjust my expression to one of righteous composure and gesture forDelian to do the same. He finally rises behind me."Hello," I say politely. Delian follows suit, introducing us both."Well," Octavius begins, "We'll be at the Capitol by mid-morning. Much todiscuss before we arrive, yes? Sit, sit."I settle into a blue velvet chair, crossing my legs and waiting intentlyfor the forthcoming discourse."So, upon our arrival at the Capitol, you will proceed directly to thejunior stylists, though you two require minimal work from them." He glancesat Delian and me, our golden hair neatly styled, our faces clean, andmuscles toned. "Then to the real stylists, who will present you with theensembles they have crafted for you. And let me assure you, only the fineststylists are permitted to work with the District 1 tributes." He wiggleshis eyebrows excitedly."Then, following the parade, there will be three days of training,interviews, and finally, the Games!" he grins widely. The Games are thehighlight of the year for the Capitol, with the winter victory tour as aclose second. "I understand you two are the crème de la crème, yes?""Indeed," I affirm confidently, choosing not to divulge the true reason forDelian's presence instead of Lux. "They only send the best."Ivory and Argent smile with a rare pride. Delian shifts uncomfortably.I swear, this boy is going to be the death of me.Octavius pontificates for hours about the importance of putting on a showand the critical nature of garnering sponsors, a subject with which we arealready well-versed. I listen nonetheless, in case he shares any novelinsights.He does not.Finally, he indicates two rooms on either side of the train. "You will wishto confer with your mentors, no? Then we shall dine."Ivory moves swiftly, and the door behind her is nearly closed before Imanage to enter the opulent train car. It is fascinating to witness whereall the luxuries we produce end up.Ivory has evidently been a Capitol favorite since her victory. Notnecessarily for her methods, but certainly for her appearance. "So..." she begins in a voice as velvety as our surroundings. "I conductedsome research on you. As much as your district's and the Capitol's policieswould permit. I acquired some basic details... 5'7, 125 pounds, weapon ofchoice is a sword. Intriguing.""Poisoned swords, specifically. For engagements involving multipleopponents. Lacerate their major arteries with a fast-acting poison first,and you can decimate an entire crowd."Ivory listens attentively and nods. "Ensure you elaborate on that in yourshowcase...but not to the other tributes. And if you are confident in thatskill, demonstrate it during the training simulations, ensuring that it isobserved. But only once.""Right. My coaches advised me to hone every weapon and survival tactic inthose final days.""Precisely. While you perfect your skills, others merely begin."We discuss training and interviews briefly, but we shall have more time inthe coming days. As we are about to part ways to freshen up before dinner,I need to ask one more thing."Ivory... the career pack. I have been contemplating that the usualalliance might be weaker this year. In your research on me, I'm sure younoticed Lux? You know, enormous, burly, brutal Lux? He sustained injuriesduring some last-minute training. And Delian may be strong and skilled,but... I doubt he will kill when necessary."Ivory gazes at me, expressionless."Am I mistaken? We cannot always rely on the twos either... they seem toharbor a perpetual dislike for us. I wish this whole 'career' arrangementwas not set in stone."She continues to stare, nearly perplexed."You fail to understand. You are in the most advantageous positionimaginable. Look at yourself! Look at your origins. You are a career,Gleam. There are eight other tributes who would kill—and are about toattempt—to be in your position. You are stunning, you are strong, and youhave just as much of a chance as Delian and those brats from Two.Understood?"I glare up at her with a haughty edge, silently reminding her of thespectacle District 1 careers are expected to present. I can discern a weakpoint merely from conversing with her."I'll see you later." I rise and proceed to my own compartment of the trainto take a hot shower.~