Boy next door. Part19. Chapter: Sin-U’s point of view
I wake up to Pollo barking at me, I stood up and went to the kitchen for dog
food. I ll Pollos bowl and walk to the couch, I look down and see Apollo. I
look at the clack and see that the time is 3:30. I shake Apollo and he wakes
up, he groans and rolls over, “wake up!” I yelled. He smacked his teeth
“shut the the freak up” he quietly said. I grab his arm and pulled him up.
“I’m so ti-” “I think your mom is worried about you” I interrupted him. He
pulls me down on couch next to him. “Apollo you need to go, your mom
might be worried” I told him, “My mom doesn’t come back in two weeks”
He said. I looked at he face and laughed. “What’s so funny?” He said with a
confused expression on his face. “You slept on my necklace and your cheek
looks like it has tiny holes” I said with a chuckle. “Oh, why is it funny?” He
said. “Because I thought you would feel the necklace on your face” I said.
He sat up and smiled at me. “Wanna go to the park and nish the
snowman?” He asked me. I nodded and smiled. “I’ll go get ready, I’ll come
back when I’m done, you get ready as well because I’m going to take you
out for lunch” he said walking out the door. I walk up stairs and walk in the
restroom, I take a shower for twenty minutes and grab my towel. I dry up
and walk to my room. I put on my white long sleeve shirt, My low rise
pants, and and my black baker boy hat. I walk down stairs and slide on my
sock and then I thrown on my black converse. I walked outside and saw
Apollo already waiting for me. “You look great!” He said “thank you” I said.
I we walked to the park and sat on a bench, we talked for hours and then
we went to a cafe around the block. I got a coee and Apollo got a coee as
well. We sat by the window, “So what do you do when your alone?” Apollo
asked me. “I mainly imagine myself at fashion show or I draw and I feed
Apollo” I replied. “Oh, then imma start coming to your house everyday” he
said reaching to hold my hand. I smile and looked around. “Let’s go” I said.
We stood up and left the cafe, we walked around the small stores. We went
in one that looks like it has vintage clothing. “Get anything you want”
Apollo said, I smiled and grabbed his hand. I don’t really want him to waste
money on me so I walked out while holding his hand. “I thought you you
wanted something” he said with a confused look, “I don’t want you to buy
me anything, you already bought me a coee and that was enough for me” I
told him. He nodded and got of his knees. “Climb on I’ll carry you” he said.
“Ummm, no thanks I like walking around” I told him. “I insist” he said with
watery eyes. “Ugh, ne” I said said rolling my eyes. I climbed on his back
and he started walking. It felt weird being on his back. He started walking
and he walked back to my house. “Let’s skip all the whole week of school”
he said. “Uhhh, ok sure why not” I replied to him. We entered the house
and he sat me down on the couch. He sat next to me and laid his head on
my shoulder.