u aU havesiblingsur bestfriendyu need musicis urphone to sleepmoreu havea ur haircrush your popular is dyed u likeyschoolmm hurthinnever u go to a eatersometimeu enoughfor privatesnooYwereokaybut actually anyoneur weren'tU like to u think ur favcolor urpoint urnails is Pinkteal preppyt Egly purplegreenyou love u doany u onceur theonetacos who issupposedlysports fell offa psycho a bednoboy u would you lovehate u likehasacrushon describe urself school trynna mas beautifulU havea u havean U have allA'saestheticpet free pominschoolspaceu still go u once had ur parents ur goodare divorcedto school in schoolunfortunatelya surgeryor were