Which Anime character are you?
Anime character quiz
1…When you have time to yourself, what do you do?
A. Idk beat up someone I guess
B. Sing or dance
C. try to avoid people in every way
D. Eat bro I’m a big back
2… How do you feel about school?
B. Interesting, I don’t really mind it, all of my friends are there!
C. Social warfare.
D. School?
3… What do your friends think of you?
A. They think I’m a prankster and a jerk, but, they still are my friends.
B. They think I’m nice, caring, and really kind
C. My friends love me, and I love them too. Sometimes.
D. They think I’m obnoxious and funny
4… If you pull have a superpower, what would it be?
A. The power to explode things >:D
B. To be able to y
C. Psychic powers
D. To be able to go everywhere in the entire world!!!
5… What is your favorite animal?
A. I don’t like animals.
B. I love all animals!! \(>_<)/ As long as they’re nice
C. A cat, I guess
D. A dog I love dogs :D
6… What do you buy when you go to the grocery store? (Food-wise)
A. Soda and Cheetos.
B. Milk and Mochi
C. Coffee jelly
7… What is your outlook on romance?
A. Nobody’s good enough for me
B. Maybe someday….*daydreams*
C. Nope.
D. I’m in a relationship and it’s pretty good :D
8… What type of clothes do you wear?
A. Whatever will get me attention
B. A little emo, but also a little cutesy
C. I wear what a regular person wears.
D. Whatever I nd I swear idc at all
9. Do you like being social?
A. Eehhhh I guess I like being around people but that doesn’t mean I like the people
B. Yea but sometimes I like to be alone
C. No, but people come to me idk why
10. What makes you mad?
A. When people make fun of me
B. When people are mean to me or other people :(
C. When people tell my secrets
D. When I get mad :)
Fill this out with all the letters. Example, 10. A
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.
Add up your scores on how much letters you got. Example, A: 10
Which letter did you have the most? Then nd out who u r :3
MOSTLY A: Bakugo (from MHA)
MOSTLY B: Hatsune Miku (YES she is a vocaloid AND
she’s in an anime look it up)
MOSTLY C: Saiki K (from the disastrous life of Saiki K)
MOSTLY D: Monkey D. Luffy (from One Piece)
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