u gottheu have feelin yousiblingsestfriends u needalwaysneedis ur to sleep to justifyIsisare alittle ipady more yourselfu had a u hear on ur haircrush on what others is dyeda boy sauciggaejmetimeskeyschoolyoupretend ur neversometimeu enoughfor have a bloodanyonedrinkeatwereokay complex much nearlybut actuallyweren't In awwwwused to U don'tnothingu think ur favcoloris black red ur au like topurplegreen Predpoint urnails uuglyno matter ifurÉÉboy Sirur theone u doany u oncecrush on a who issupposedlysports fell offu had aabalconygirl a psychou draw a would u likeyou wannadescribe urselfharrypottermuch as beautiful diesobadlyI'mge erqgoodbut stuffU Own u have ur room ur alwaysa bestfriend hasthousandso sadanda cat lambsbathin reallife neverusedthem no cluewhyImage her sooou still go u once had ur parentsto schoolur goodthinkeverythingin schoolis alrightor were111k nothing isactuallywrongI'm a