TtW: Chapter 16
I opened my eyes to nd myself tied to a tree. A tree. How I got here, I had no clue. Your
probably all like: WHAT JUST HAPPENED?! Well my dear reader, it is simple. We were
kidnapped and technically tranquilized by a Maa of Mice. Yay (I said sarcastically).
Once again—for the hundredth time— I have no clue what just happened.
I looked over to Adam and he was slowly coming to consciences while he was also tied
to a tree. He looked up and and blinked tiredly.
“W-Where… are we?” He asked tiredly.
“No clue.”
“You never have a clue.” Adam yawned.
“Wow. Thanks.” I said sarcastically.
Adam nodded and yawned again, while I looked down. I watched as the Mouse Maa
walked back and there leader in a red bandana smile. He looked at Adam and scurried to
him. Adam tried to move but failed to the rope binding him to the tree. The Head
Hantco Mouse Man snied Adam then ribbed the bandana down.
“Ah, looks like we caught ourselves a vampire boys!” Mouse man said happily.
Mouse man rolled his eyes and looked at Adam. “Hi sweetheart.”
Adam raised an eyebrow. “What?”
The mouse man grabbed Adam’s fangs and ripped them out as Adam yelled in pain. He
leaned over and the Mouse Maa Leader Man tossed the fangs to the side.
“Oh and uh, boys? Please?” He said simply.
The mice nodded and one ran o. Within a few seconds it came back with a bunch of
fairy’s and passed them out to all of the others.
He looked up weakly and his eyes pleaded— even though I know he hadn’t seen yet. I
struggled to get out but failed as the mice pulled on the fairies making them scream
loudly. Adam yelled in pain and I watched as his eyes teared up as his ears began to
“STOP IT!” I screamed at them.
“Why sweetie? This is called fun.” Mouse Man laughed.
I looked at Adam as he yelled more in pain, and my blood boiled.
“Why?! I mean, what a pathetic thing to say.” He laughed more.
The mouse ran up to me, and put a rag in my mouth and I tried to yell. He looked at
Adam and nodded as the mice stopped making the fairies yell. He walked up and I
looked at Adam. He was out cold and his ears were gushing blood. Mouse man smiled
and pulled his sword out and cut the rope as Adam hit the ground with a thud. I blinked
back tears as I looked up at the mice. Come on Nyla THINK! I looked at my pocket and
felt down into it and my eyes widened. I must have put the pocket knife back in my
pocket, and these dumb mice didn’t know. I pulled the knife out as the mice were already
to busy talking about what to capture next, and I started to saw away at the rope. I felt
the rope loosen around me and my eyes widened.
Let’s go baby.
I moved the knife back into my back pocket and held the rope around me with my hands.
Okay, part one of escaping is done. What now?
I glanced at the mice and sigh. They all had swords and were sharpening them and still
talking. What a strange Maa huh?
I tried to cough out the rag from my mouth, but had lots of trouble. Okay… plan B was a
little bit more… not to neat.
I started to hack like I was about to throw up, and the mice ran up— or around—yelling
like crazy.
“TAKE IT OUT OF THE HUMAN’S MOUTH!” Head Maa Mouse man yelled.
The mice nodded and ran and took it out of my mouth and looked at me.
“Thanks!” I said happily.
“Oh it was no big.” One said.
I let go of the rope and walked the mice away, and started stomping around like a
dinosaur. The mice screamed and ran, except for the bunch that wasn’t scared of
anything… yet. I ailed my arms in the air and yelled 1-10 in Spanish while waving my
arms around.
“FE FI FO! UNO, DOS, TRES!” I yelled.
They all screamed and ran and the Maa Leader rolled his eyes. He looked at me and
raised an eyebrow.
“You humans really know how to put on a show eh?”
I stopped and looked at him. “Your supposed to be scared!”
“Listen pip-squeak, nothing scares me. And if something did, it is dead now anyways.”
He said sharpening his sword with ease.
I stood there and raised an eyebrow. “So… your not going to kill me?”
“Nah. I was just hired by The Boss to capture you and your friend. He wanted to kill you
two. Me? Nah, I don’t gotta care in the world right now.” Mouse Man said looking at his
sword. “But, you should get out of here. He’s on his way.” He advised.
I stood there. This was the most confusing think I’d ever seen while here. “Huh?”
“Listen lady. I gotta admit that you pulled a pretty good jail break, but you can’t escape
from The Boss. Now you better run o, because he’s going to kill all of us.” Mouse man
said looking up.
I stood there, a mad just stared. I was kidnapped by a Mouse Maa to be killed by some
random guy. Now I’m being let go?
“Lady when I say run away, you run away! Get out of here!” He said tossing me Adam’s
I nodded and ran over to Adam. He was still out cold, but I denitely couldn’t cary him. I
dropped to my knees and put a hand on his cheek and rub it it soly. I watched his eyes
utter open weakly and h looked at me.
“Adam we have to go?”
“Huh?” He answered weakly.
He pointed to his ears and shook his head. At that moment I let out a great sentence of
swears that I will not tell you! Mouse man helped me— somehow— get Adam on his feet.
Mouse man climbed to my shoulder and jumped to Adam, wrappings Adam’ arm around
me to we can get somewhere.
“There’s a cave not far from here. Only is mice know about it. I’ll tell you were to go.”
Mouse man said rmly.
I nodded and started to walk, and Adam groaned as he tried. He really did try before his
legs gave out. I kept his arm around me, holding him up as I walked. Mouse man gave me
some directions and I obeyed. We walked up to a curtain of vines in this jungle and I
looked at Mouse man.
“Yeah. Just go under the vines.” He said leaping o of my shoulder.
I nodded and leaned down and sorta crawled under. We made it into a small cave with
crystals and lots of dirt. You know, like a cave. I set Adam downs as he had lost
consciousness again. Maa Mouse made a small re within a second and looked at me.
“Why are you protecting that guy? He’s a monster. A murderer.”
I sat there. “No he’s not. It’s just—”
“He’s a monster lady. He killed somebody.”
“On accident.”
“How do you know?”
“Because I do.” I snapped.
Mouse man nodded and looked down. “She was my friend, and he killed her.” He said
I looked at Mouse man. “Who? Ta’Keta?”
He nodded and scratched his mouse nose. “Yeah.” He said soly looking at the re.
Mouse man took his bandana o of his eyes and wrapped it around his neck. He sighed
and pulled his sword out. “That doesn’t matter anymore though.”
I nodded and looked down. “Yeah… I was almost killed before, but he can’t control it.” I
said soly.
“Other vampires can. Werewolf’s, nit so much. Vampires yes, but the inexperienced ones
no. I— never mind.” He said rmly.
“Never mind what?”
“None of your business human.” He said with a snarl.
I rolled my eyes, and looked at Adam. He was still out cold, but I could just tell he was
still in pain. I then glanced at mouse man. If Ta’Keta was his friend— oh. It was revenge—
“You wanted revenge.” I said soly.
“Of course I did. I wanted to kill that guy myself but The Boss said no. So, why not break
the guy. I know hunter’s technics, why not make it worse.” Mouse Man said simply.
I shook my head, and rolled my eyes. “You need therapy.”
“What’s… ther-Apy?”
“Something everyone here needs.”
“Oh… is it a weapon!”
I looked at the mouse’s excited eyes and suddenly felt like it was not a good idea to trust
a mouse that wants to probably wipe out a planet.
“SWEET?! Where is this ther-Apy?”
“Never mind.”
I looked down and sighed. Mouse Man denitely has issues. I got up and walked to
Adam, and sat down next to him. I looked up at the Mouse Man who had a confused
look to his face.
“You really care about the killer huh?”
“Yeah. I do.”
“Whatever. If I remember you two want to go to earth. I know the way, but it’s North. I
can take you two home.” He said rmly.
I sat there. Home. Suddenly going home to my drunk dad didn’t seem like that bad of an
idea. Especially when you got outsmarted by mice.
“You… you know the way?”
“Yeah. My brother le and went to earth. Came back one time then le again.”
“Your brother?”
“Mickey. Apparently he’s famous. He met some guy name Walt, and bla bla bla.” Maa
Mouse man said rolling his eyes.
“Geese lady. Yeah.”
“Is your name Oswald?!”
“No… ew. Why? No. Ore.”
“Yes. Or, but spelled with an E at the end.” Ore the Mouse said simply.
I nodded and looked down at Adam. I slipped my hand into his, and sighed. Home. I
looked up at Ore and asked, “You can take us home?”
“Yeah lady. I just said that.”
“And Adam, is he okay?”
“Yeah. Hell be halfway better tomorrow.” Ore explained simply.
I nodded and smiled. I looked back down at Adam. “Hear that? Ore can take us home or
Ore is lying to us, then you can eat some mouse meat.”
“Whoa lady, I’m right here.”
I rolled my eyes and leaned my head against the rocks of the cave. Maybe it was because
I’ve almost died here more times than I ever had on earth. Maybe I did miss my dad.
Something about home seemed right. I closed my eyes, and fell asleep.