Hello everyone, I just wanted to apologize for notPosting these past couple of days. I just recentlyHad a very tough conversation with a friend who didNot treat me right. They’ve said things to me that reallyAffected my mental well being and I was finally done.The things they’ve said have affected me for aboutPossibly a year now so I decided to finally do somethingAbout it, and now I’ve partly cut them off and I’mTrying to heal from it. I feel a lot more refreshedNow that I’ve addressed it and separated myselfFrom them. It will still take a little bit of time to recoverBut I will try to post more silly stuff! Again I’m so sorryFor not posting. Also, if someone’s bothering you don’t“Just ignore it” make sure you put your foot down andTake care of the problem, otherwise it will not be fixed.Remember, Setting boundaries and thinking about yourown mental health isn’t being a bad friend, stay safe I loveYou guys!FIFEits