ok, when I said I wanted peace I thought I would get it. Well, a mother’s heartcan never rest. Especially when your daughter calls you and tells you your son isgoing on a quest with complete strangers. Well that can cause a lot of panicvery quickly. Audrey was able to calm me down a bit but I still worried. Itwasn’t until she called me like a week later that I knew he was ok. I almostfainted. And I dont faint. Having kids really changes things. I couldnt wait to
finally have the two of them home and hear about camp. I never visited anymoreexcept to pick them up. finally it came for us to pick them up. I got in the carwith Dev who was holding my hand as we made the drive to camp. From there,we parked and waited for them to come. I saw both of their blonde heads comeand my heart jumped in my chest. Then I saw another head. A black one. Inbetween the two was a black haired kid who looked like Nico from years ago. Helooked nervous and pale next to Audrey and Greyson. Greyson seemed to becomfortable around him and I could tell they had history. They walked up to usand a girl ran up to the Nice look alike kid. They exchanged a few words and itseemed that they too had history. It also seemed like Greyson, the new girl, andthe Nico kid were… friends. Or even a tiny trio. My mind whirled with theories.The girl ran off. They walked up to us. Mom… Dad this is my friend and heneeds a place to stay. Greyson puts simply. Gets it from me. I think and look atDev. Didnt know this was gonna happen. Dev gave me the ‘let’s talk in private’look and we walked away a bit. The kids waited patiently as we talked. So,thoughts? Dev asks me. Greyson obviously trusts him otherwise he wouldnt ask.If I had to guess I’d say they had a quest experience or something close to it. Ipoint out. True. He says with a smile. What? I ask him. How’d I get so lucky tomarry such a smart kind and beautiful girl? He says. so are we’re doing this? Hesays. I guess. If something happens then he can go back to camp. Dev says. Itake a deep breath. Ok then. Let’s not keep them waiting. I tell him and wewalk back. I had doubts about this kid. He looked all dark and depressed. Nicowasn’t that bad but still. Okay, he can come. Dev tells them. Greyson broke outin a happy grin. I offered my hand to the kid. His hand was icy cold. What’s yourname? I ask him. Erebus, Son of Hades. He says proudly. Well Erebus, its nice tomeet you. Welcome to the family. Im Lura and this is Devin. I tell him andgesture to Devin. We’re glad to have you kid. Dev says and flashes him a grin.