Functional GroupsTHEMAINPLAYERSHOHS H H Halkane alkene alkyne benzeneringphenylF ClO O SNltRk H t Br I i Hamine alcohol ether alkylhalide thiolj j o O jJL Il o Ho H rich zaldehyde ketoneThe characteristics of an organic Organic molecule tripeptidemolecule depend not only on its functionalgroupcarbon skeleton butalso ongroupsof atoms attachedto theskeleton phosphategroup the electrothat are in involvedin chemicalre negativeoxygensof thephosactions These groups of atoms phategroupattractelectronstoare called functional groups themselvesandas a result thephosphategroupacts as anacidlosinghydrogen ions to thesurroundingsolution Thisdissociationleaves thephosphategroup w 2 negativechargesThisgroup is important b cthey transfer ofenergybetweenorganic moleculesThere are 2 carbonylgroupsCdoublebond 0 in this tripeptide This groupis polar b coxygenhas astrongattractionfor elections If a CarboB D Nytgroup is at theend of acarbon skeleton the Nyt is within a carbonskeletonthe molecule ketoneThe sulfhydry1group CStdmoleculestermedthiols have The hydroxylgroupC OH ISa sulfhydrylgroup 2 SH polar bio the electronegativegroups can react forming a oxygen has a strong attraccross link helps stabilize tion forelectionsthe structure ofmanyI oroteinsThe 2 electronegative 02 ofthe carboxylgroupCCOOHpullelectrons away fromthehydrogen atom ThisweakensthebondbetweenOz H andthehydrogenatomtendsto dissassociatefrom the moleculeas a HtBlc the carbonoxylgroupdonates Ht this groupisacidic moleculesthat containthesegroups are known ascarboxylicacids