Sian was born in Sardinia 🇮🇹Sian can speak English, Italian, and SpanishSian is a trans masculineWhen Sian was born with his left eye was blind, the doctors thought that itwould heal but his left eye still remains blind. Sian has Tetrachromacywhich allows him to see more colors than others. Sian also has level 2autism which leads the Adephagia looking after him a little.When Sian was 9 he found out he was transgender, he told his parents twomonths later and his parents disowned him, they took him to a orphanage.He managed to make 2 friends and the sisters in the orphanage acceptedhim for who is. The sisters were shocked to see how well he did in schooland how well mannered he was, Sian never talked back to the sisters in theorphanage for he knew it was disrespectful.Sian was able to graduate high school at nineteen he moved to New York tostart a new life, he still remembers his friends and the sisters in theorphanage.One day while Sian was so in a part time job he saw Adephagia sitting aloneat a table, Sian walked up to Adephagia and instantly fell in love with him.He tried talking to Adephagia but he would only shake his head or nod,when Dian asked him what his order will be Adephagia and pointed at adrink. It didn’t take long for Sian to realize that Adephagia had a missinglimb and eye and that he was also really shy, no one else noticed becauseAdephagia was wearing a cloak. Sian to take Adephagia to his apartmentand he kindly nodded.Sian told Adephagia about his autism and Adephagia volunteered to takecare of him, since then Adephagia and Sian started to date.Sian is studying to be a psychologist to help out kids and teens who have yet not comes out to their parents or kids and teens who have trauma. Sianhasn’t full transition yet since he is busy with work and studying.Sian made a mechanical hand for Adephagia and helped him cover his lefteye. Sian is deeply worried since Adephagia is a dead person. Adephagiawrote everything down on a journal to tell Sian how he died and how he gota stinger. Sian accepts Adephagia for the guys he is and not for what he is,Sian never had that chance when he was 9.