Todays rant
Oki so I’m in rst period rn. We have a sub. She does the prayer a bit dierent I’m not judging. We are
worshiping God. No judging allowed. Anyway, in chapel yesterday, we were singing right, and the girl
that’s singing, she sounds amazing. But she’s trying too hard. It’s clear that her lungs and voice were
not meant for the soprano part of the song. This is coming from a soprano who can sing higher than
our qween on earth Moriah Carey. So I know what it looks like when you can sing high. And this poor
girl was holding the mic away from her face so she wouldn’t burst our eardrums because of how loud
she was singing. It did nothing I was trying to enjoy her voice but I couldn’t cause all I could hear was
the mic cutting out cause she was screaming in the mic. She sounded beautiful but she was trying a
bit too hard. Anyway that’s my rant for today. Imma stop annoying you guys now. Bye