(Open for full) Echo - Cursed to Only Repeat Others - Vent
I won’t lie, I’ve been relating to this myth a lot. Silenced, ignored,
unimportant. Kudzu has been a saving grace when it gets to be a lot.
Recently while in a classroom after school Kudzu and I listened as a
boy was bad talking me to one of my favorite teachers. For the sake of
decency we’ll call him: Dave, and the teacher Mr. M.
Dave: Yeah she’s getting rid of everyone’s friends, and just spreading
nasty rumors.
Mr. M remained silent (thank gods)
Kudzu: Verdant doesn’t do that, she stays out of drama
Dave: No, she’s been spreading the rumors about me, and getting rid
of all my friends. Especially the rumors about “the video”
Verdant (me): I never heard or seen anything about a video. And like
Kudzu said, I hate High school drama and stay out of it.
Dave: No
Like peck neck what? You are complaining about ME spreading
rumors when I never did so, and ignoring me when I say I didn’t
Then today… I had an argument with my brother where my words kept
getting twisted and it just got to the point of me locking myself in my
room and texting Kudzu.
I’ll admit that it hurt more than I thought it would. Dave used to be an
acquaintance of mine and when I started feeling uncomfortable around
him I left. I’ve never given a dime about what people think about me. I
learned very quickly I would never t in. But someone I used to talk to,
and believe, and defend, spreading rumors and lies about me… it
struck something. Anyway… I’m trying to start ignoring it again, but
had to rant somewhere it wouldn’t be heard by rude annoying
classmates. I’m just so sick of this. I defended him, and now I’m being
painted a villain, again. After I lost a friend due to her lies and
manipulation and breaking my trust as well. And I feel like I need to
stay closer to my friends. And i just really don’t know what to do at this