OKAY Today I have a game for U 2 playIt's very simple just pick your lifeSimulator6อํใ simvlatormne๒Ym jwsstt bbomCheck what you want only 3Youoi O Beautiful O cute O coolO smart O good at fill meToirdaeyi Cfillcheck only 1statusi.JO poor Omeadium O richfillnationalityi fillrelini rfi N3 ฉึ
ผิ๋๐ O female o male O otherQi ๒Do you want high school love ฉื้Ai O Yes O No if no skip to page 3
กุบื๋yร่ท๋หํ๋ pas หื๋You fall in love with a girl or boy itnthe same school You are very เonf ident or shyto tell him or her your feedingsEP 1You can wait for ep 2but just don'thave much time ir EP 1You can wait for ep 2but just don'thave much time ir