Hello everyone😍 I’ve come to tell you guys a VERY important message for you guys- so startin
tmrw, I’ll be gone for a cruise- I may bring my iPad only bc I need to do my Duolingo- can’t lose that
75 day streak yk🤓 I will try my absolute HARDEST to nd some type of internet to try and
connect w/ you guys! I wanna keep ya updated to let you guys know wht I’m doin👍 a lot of
negotiations are going on, and I am currently signing a contract so I can talk w/ u guys- yes. It’s this
hard for me to interact with civilization. Anyway, just pray my boat doesn’t sink, and tht mt Hindi
lessons go good, cuz saur far it’s not lookin too good😭 fuzzy pls giv Hindi lessons. Duolingo is
making me life hard mate💀 I should prob go now bc I have to convince my grandmother to let me
bring this thing on me trip- bye bye, and I love you guys! btw y’all’s fandom name will be lovelies!
Kk I’m actually leaving now, bye bye👍
XOXO, Vegas💋