One of u gottheu have feelin yousiblingsur bestfriendsis ur alwaysneedipadheedto sleep to justifyDsntemorein hear onyourselfu had a ur haircrush on what others is dyed u likea boy song's'Ymatedy sundhostgetepopingoyoupretend ur never u used to u don'tIometimeuwereokay complexur weren't ÉfI have a blood drinkeatbut actually anyone much nearlynothingU like to ur favcolor ur au think is black redpoint urnails preppyno matter ifur Eglyp purplegreenany boy'su onceu doanyur theonecrush on a who issupposedlysports fell offu had aabalconygirl a psycho volleyballu draw u would a linedescribe urself you wannamarrypotteras beautiful diesobadlyAllthetime stuffMI p Gryffindor4lifeur roomU Own u have hesthousand ur alwaysa bestfriend so sadandA cat in redlife thingsbut no cluewhyneverusedthemAdmoduntnewantyu still go u once had ur parentsto school thinkeverythingin schooltrite Iggy rightdor were