Pain.Pain.Pain.That’s all I can feel.But I’m…alive, I think, Im not dead.I somehow manage to sit up. Heat. Fire.I turn around to see every row behind me in flames. Ihyperventilate, realizing how horrible the air is. I choke onthe smoke, coughing and spitting up…blood.I am dying, I think, Im not going to survive after all.A pair of strong arms grabs me from behind just before Iblack out.“Is she awake?”“She’s one of five survivors, I hope she’s still alive.”“Quick, she’s waking up! Get her some medicine.”I groan loudly as I open my eyes. “Too bright,” I mumble.“Ssshhh,” a lady’s voice says, then she winces slightly as sheseemingly grabs something. Then water trickles down mythroat, and I cough again.“Shart,” the lady says. “I need help, this girl is coughing upblood.”Someone else rushes to my side. “Here, let me help her,” thevoice says. It’s the captain.“How many people died?” I ask immediately, coughing more. The captain hesitates. “All but four, not including the twocaptains.”I groan as I try to sit up again. “How bad am I?” I manage tochoke out through ragged breaths. “When do we get help?”“Help should be here in about twenty minutes,” he says, “justhold on.”“Answer me,” I cough.He sighs. “Are you sure you want to know?”“Yes,” I reply, coughing even more, splattering the groundwith my dark red blood.He motions to a pond, helping me to it. I cough up morealong the way.The reflection I see in it is what used to be me. Now, its just afigure covered in blood. A figure that’s missing half of itsarm, and I bleeding out through a gash on its leg. I faint.